Finding Groove

What do I mean when I say that? I’m talking about getting into whatever it is you get into you. Groove is that weird place where things happen on almost a subconscious level, you’re in charge but everything is nearly automatic and without perturbing yourself. You can find groove in sports, writing, working, exercise, meditating, anything. So how do you find it, that’s the 1000 dollar question. Is it something you slip into naturally or do you have to work at it? Does it take repetition? For myself the only times I’ve been able to slip into groove is in water polo and swimming, during competitions or games, there were times where you’re body automates itself and you just knew where to go, what to do and when to do so. I imagine that this happened only because for 4 years of my life I did nothing but live, eat and sleep water polo.

When it comes to writing and finding groove it is much more difficult for me, I find that I have to spend anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple of hours writing “junk” before I hit my groove, and then once I do I slip into the groove and writing comes much more easily. I sometimes suspect that if I spent as much time writing as I did practicing and playing water polo I’d find myself grooving much more easily…

So let me know, how do you find groove? What helps you slip into it and how do you sustain it?

An Artist’s Pen

I lost my pen,

Maybe it doesn’t


but it was mine!

and I need it

what is this?


What the Fuck!

I’m a fucking artist

I need my fucking

fountain pen

this ink

does not inspire

the feel of this

pen is wrong

I’m sure

I’ll have a blister

after writing


I’ve been patient

so I’ll say it one

more time nicely

where is my god-damn

Christ loving pen,

you bourgeoisie pieces

of shit!?

Habit Update and Random Code

So, here we are in the middle of February and my meditation habit forming goal lies in tatters around me. I’ve done it a grand total of 5 times since Jan. 20th which isn’t a stellar performance, and definitely not enough to form an actual habit. So where do I go from here? The important thing is not to get disappointed and give up. Self Improvement is a good thing and we all should be working on ourselves… If religion has given us anything good, it is the desire to better ourselves and those around us. Back on topic! What do I do now then? I’m not giving up on the Zen meditation, I’m going to continue trying to do it in the morning, but I’m thinking it will go on the back burner while I finish some other important things, and work on easier habits to form…

So what does that mean for you my beloved readers? it means expect more writing here, or less. One of the habits up on the block is writing daily. This can take the form of blog posts, creative writing, or professional writing. Another is waking up at the same time everyday. I’m thinking 8:30 AM or 9:00 AM. But that might need to be earlier I also need to do a test run on taking the train to Sacramento and how I’m going to do this commute for the next several months.

The writing goal is going to be at the top of the list, as I have 3 projects that have to get done before the 27th of this month, 1 that needs to be done before the 15th and several that have been sitting around for far too long. So those are a priority.

In other news, I’m done filling out all the paperwork for my internship, which makes it very real, I’m sure I’ll be getting anxious soon enough. I’ll share it all with you.

Squandering of America Part 1

Robert Kuttner’s new book is so dense with information that I couldn’t do it justice with a simple one paragraph review when I’m done with the book. Actually, I don’t know if I’ll ever finish the book, as at times it can be incredibly depressing how far our country has fallen. The most alarming issue that Kuttner raises is the control of big business in our politics, and how many of the problems behind the issue won’t even come up in debate, so fringe have the ideas of controlled and regulated markets come, despite how well they served our country in the post WW2 era. Why has this happened? Kuttner blames the successful marketing campaign of rich elites on Wall St. and in the Republican party to unload more and more on the american people while keeping more and more for themselves. I wish I could explain it as well as he does but you only have to read the first 100 pages for it become clear that at this point the average American worker is making less than s/he did 1o, 20, and 30 years ago, while her/his costs have continued to rise unchecked. Kuttner is optimistic though, that the changes aren’t permanent that it is only a matter of viewpoint and politics both of which can be changed, and that it is becoming clear to many that de-regulation was not the panacea  it has been touted to be by insiders, but that it will take a new politics and largely new politicians to do it, ones that aren’t in thrall to big business.

More to follow!

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