STAR**** **OOP**S: Surreal Space Poetry – Page 53

Star Oops 53
Starship Trooper Bard, Dean Stahl, 2019

I learned
Not to draw
[On] sleep.

Impression[s] of
Meanness, sadism,
Fiendish delight.

People suffer.
Not for pleasure.
Unimpassioned, the
Art of cutting and blood.
Without prejudice.

Star Oops 53
Page 53, Starship Troopers, poetified.


STAR**** **OOP**S – A Hiatus

Starship Trooper Bard, Dean Stahl, 2019

I started this project seven years ago, all the way back in 2012. Since then, I’ve managed to do 53 pages of the book. About one-fifth.

Needless to say a lot has changed in seven years. My life is completely different. I think the only constant from then to now is this blog? Though, it’s gone through at least three iterations since then.

The point I’m avoiding making is that I don’t feel the same energy and excitement about this program as I did when I started it. If I am being honest with myself – it feels a lot like work. I don’t want my creative projects to feel like work. I don’t want to invest my free time into something that only makes me feel bad. Bad about not doing it and bad when I am doing it.

That isn’t an outlet for creativity but a crucible for generating resentment and disappointment. For now, I think it is best that I put this book back on the shelf until I feel like coming back to it with new eyes and new vigor.

I’ve got one more of these that is already done, I’ve been sitting on it since July, that will go up next week. Then it’s time for a rest and to pursue some things that I am looking forward to.

Thank you.

STAR**** **OOP**S: Surreal Space Poetry – Page 52

Star Oops
Starship Trooper Bard, Dean Stahl, 2019

I learned to
Enjoy discovery,
Nothing more.

But time was subject
To God and the whims
Of a thousand other[s].

We might lie, but our
Evidence was
Short coming.

Page 52, Starship Troopers, poetified.

STAR**** **OOP**S: Surreal Space Poetry – Page 51

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is StarshipPoet.png
Starship Trooper Bard, Dean Stahl, 2019

The people are too many,
Fearful and afraid.

I will try them,
Every one by himself.

After? It didn’t matter.

Trial, Who? Everyone…


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