Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 13

Lost in the Woods

If you recall from the last two updates Garcon had recently learned Baba Yaga was in Mordavia, a Gnome had come to him without his humor, a talking skull wanted to up its style, and he’d just been giving a rehydration potion from Dr. Cranium.

Perseii spent the rest of the day wandering the wilderness until nightfall. Once the sun had gone done though he started heading towards Erana’s Garden in the valley. We’re not looking to go to the garden but there is something we want on the western edges of it. Along the way Jackson returns into some of the valley’s nightlife:

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Not much to see here really. Just the shambling undead. Turns out corpses don’t much appreciate being set ablaze. It also turns out that Danar doesn’t really care what the undead like or don’t like. Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 13”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 12

Rehydration Formula

A short update this week. With hopefully a longer one coming next! After finding out that Bonehead wants to be one of the cool kids we head back to town and talk to Dr. Cranium. Why do I keep talking to this crazy guy? Well, everyday he will give us poison pills and a health potion so it’s good to stop in. But, if you recall, he also mentioned a rehydration formula he had been working on and that is something that Garcon most definitely wants!

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This is the copyright protection schtick again…

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Of course you do. Nothing is free in this world, is it? Even though we just gave you some yesterday. We agree to the request anyway and head back out into the valley.

Quest for Glory

On the way to the slime pond, Perseii stops at the swamp right next to it for something else that might come in handy later:

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You never know when the remains of a dead human will come in handy! We pick up the slime and return to Dr. Cranium:

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With this we can advance the Domovoi plot. What is that you say? I’ll remind you next time!

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 11

Wind Bags

After speaking with the Gnome Garcon goes downstairs to once again speak with the local yokels:

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Yes, truly Mordavia was once a wonderful place… With nothing more to say Perseii goes to bed. But, he doesn’t sleep until morning but rather rests a few hours until he is sure everyone in the inn is asleep. He heads downstairs to speak with the Domovoi: Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 11”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 10

Bad Jokes

We left Garcon talking with the locals in the Mordavian Inn. The big take from that conversation was that our hero isn’t the only stranger in town. There appears to be a gnome in the valley with a predilication for telling bad jokes. The gnome isn’t at the inn right now so Perseii goes up to his room sleeps a couple of hours and then comes back down:

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And there he is! Prepare for some painful reading…

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Reluctantly Jackson approaches the “jester” and engages in conversation:

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Quest for Glory

Gnome’s Home:

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Show Business:

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If we’re feeling up for it we might try the Gnome in his room later tonight. Before that though Danar needs to leave town as he walks out of the inn:

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Hollow threats. We can always sleep in front of Erana’s staff as well as just climbing into our room. Though I wonder what the innkeeper thinks we he sees us coming down in the morning after having done so… He never mentions it.

Once out of the inn Seepgood climbs over the town walls and:

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Alluring Darkness

“I don’t know I seem to be doing okay…”

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Woah… I thought this game was PG!?

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Oh, was that it? Kinda disappointing really…

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But before she answers any more questions:

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But now we know her name and have the frostbite spell! Which is just like all our other aggressive projectile spells, except a different color! I don’t recall if it slows enemies down or not. We’ll find out when I encounter a monster I guess!

With Katrina gone Garcon returns to the inn. He’s got one more thing to do before going to bed:

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This guy is the ultimate distillation of that awkward kid who was really into magic back in middle school we all knew…

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More Bad Jokes

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On the corner of the Gnome’s bed is a strange looking chicken, Perseii picks it up:

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Quest for Glory

Baba Yaga:

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Punny Bones:

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Quest for Glory

And that’s about all he has to say, except for a few more terrible jokes… Join us next week as we do a lot more talking to people and maybe begin a fetch quest!

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