STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 32

Thanks to Teg for the image wrangling!

By touch

“Oh, uh doctor?
You a doctor?”

“Come back!
I'[m]… I’m done…”

B[l]ack out


Punched in…


2014-04-13 11.51.15

STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 31

Thanks to Teg for the image wrangling!

First demand,
a need,
at the bottom of
the Pacific
is, something
very  different

[a] Titan

I hesitate
and wonder

Is it Cthulhu?
Is it Cthulhu?


Falling Behind: My Reading Backlog

I was recently looking at my Amazon wishlist, it has quite a few books on it, and wondering when, if ever, I’d get around to purchasing and reading them. See, I made a deal with myself, and I’ve mostly kept it, that I won’t buy anymore new books until I finish all the ones I already have on my shelves. But, it doesn’t seem to matter how many of the books I take off the shelf and read there are always unread ones sitting on the shelves waiting for their turn. If reading wasn’t so enjoyable the task might be Sisyphean…

So, I decided to sit down and see just how many books I have to read before I can get to those new ones… It took awhile but here it is:

171 books

Roughly, I didn’t count a lot of the genre fiction collections I have lying around (Dune, Stross, Stevenson, Weeks, etc…) If you want to get a glimpse at what I’m interested in go ahead and click through to the spreadsheet, I didn’t list authors but some simple googling should lead you to these books.

Anyone have any suggestions on whittling this down to something manageable?


STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 30

Thanks to Teg for the image wrangling!

Run home!
High up in
Eyes red and
Knuckles callused.

The last choice…

[A] human guinea pig.
The rare

The last choice…

So, go
It’s rough,
[It’s] dangerous.

You aren’t allowed to pick your last choice…

Took a while for this to come together. Had an iteration where it was three different verses about three different people. Then it was about running away. Finally, it's about whether you run or stay the last choice you make usually isn't voluntary...
Took a while for this to come together. Had an iteration where it was three different verses about three different people. Then it was about running away. Finally, it’s about whether you run or stay the last choice you make usually isn’t voluntary…
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