Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire – The End

Palace Infiltration

If you recall the servant of the young daughter of the Emir of Rasier who we helped saved said she’d tie a ribbon on the balcony showing Garcon where the harem is. For some reason she seemed to think Perseii would be safe there… We’ll that was the ribbon and so Garçon goes right:

(click to watch)

These have got to be the worst Eunuchs ever! Jackson’s got to get through the room though and through that hall to the north if he is going to have a chance at defeating Ad-Avis. First, we sneak and then hid behind the fountain

Nawar will keep the one eunuch distracted, we still have to deal with the guy patrolling the northern end of the room, as soon as he turns around and heads back out of the room Garçon shimmies over to the table: Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire – The End”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Eighteen

Trials of the Forbidden City!

We last left Garcon trapped in a forbidden city, not quite sure how he got there and why he feels compelled to help Ad-Avis:

Well, first thing: this darkness won’t do at all!

use lamp

“Magical imbued lamps sure do come in handy!”

Now that Perseii can see he moves towards the right:

Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Eighteen”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Seventeen

Breaking Out with Nothing but a Prayer and… Uhmm, THIS!

So, what does Garçon have on him?

Just a pin, huh? That’s not much help… Wait, the Katta gave it to me maybe it means something? Perseii shows it to the grumpy imprisoned katta:

Jackson goes to check out the lock:

“maybe this pin will work?”

use pin

Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Seventeen”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Sixteen

One Last Heist!

After talking to the maidservant and given the Emir’s daughter enough time to make her escape and not arouse suspician about there being Two dashing heroes in this curesed city Garçon hits the mean streets again.

Where there is nothing to do. Without his passport Perseii can’t even kill time by slaughtering any of the local fauna. With nothing else to do he returns to the Blue Parrot:

“That can’t be good…”

“Oh, I do!”

Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Sixteen”

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