Equality California’s protest of CA Governor’s Proposed Cuts to HIV/AIDS Prevention/treatment Programs Funding

Last Wednesday (6/10/09) there was a fairly large protest (maybe as many as at the tea party) on the north steps of the state Capitol in California. People from all over the state came to protest Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposed cuts to state programs that offer subsidized medication to Californians with the HIV or AIDS… I got it all on camera!

I spent all week trying to make a damn flowchart for my Civics post…  No, luck as every program I used wanted money to export or the UI was unintelligible.  I’m still working on it and as soon as I have something it’ll be up here.

Last Wednesday (6/10/09) there was a fairly large protest (maybe as many as at the tea party) on the north steps of the state Capitol in California.  People from all over the state came to protest Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposed cuts to state programs that offer subsidized medication to Californians with the HIV or AIDS…  and I was there to capture it with my Flip Mino!  Cutting the video into numerous sections and posting it on to Youtube is what took the rest of the week… I’ve also been dealing with planning for a wedding and such (no, you’re not invited… yet.  If you’re reading this I’m sure you probably will be at some point, you can email me if you have questions…), so the blog hasn’t received the attention it usually gets.

I recorded about an hour of the protest and was able to get 9 speeches, 8 of them by State Legislators all of whom were Democrats.  I’d speak about the state budget but this isn’t the place for it and there isn’t one yet to look over and comment on.  The legislative conference committee is still reviewing the Governor’s constantly revised budget… I think that mid next week the Senate and Assembly will start to take the budget up and as they do I’ll comment then.  Back to the subject at hand, below you’ll find some of the videos I posted on youtube, here is the link to all of them:

This is 30 minutes before the protest and I just walk-through and look at the signs… shortly there after my Mino froze (I fixed it)

I’m showing this one because I appreciate Assemblyman Ammiano’s candor and no-nonsense approach

As I said the rest are on Youtube at the link above and you can watch them there at your leisure…

Protests at the Capitol: Vang Pao Supporters March!

My hopes in the future are to be able to mingle with protesters and talk with them a bit to get their sense of why they’re protesting and what they hope to accomplish by doing so.

Last week (May 11th) a large group of Hmong, Vietnamese, Vietnam Vets and others (estimated at over 10,000) gathered at the State Capitol to march through Sacramento to the Federal district court.  The marchers were protesting the trial of General Vang Pao and 10 others who are on trial for allegedly trying to overthrow the Communist regime in Laos.

Using my Flip Mino (first time) I was able to record a small bit of this as the protesters assembled at the Capitol.  I had no idea who Vang Pao was, or that he and others were on trial.  For more details on what exactly is going on you can check out the Wikipedia article on the him here.  This has been the largest group of people assembled at the Capitol I’ve seen so far this year.  I only caught a small bit of the march as I was heading into work and had quite a bit today that morning and so was prevented from talking more footage or talking to the people.

My hopes in the future are to be able to mingle with protesters and talk with them a bit to get their sense of why they’re protesting and what they hope to accomplish by doing so.

So here’s the videos via Youtube (warning 5 seconds in there is a loud whistling!) :

and another short clip  to roughly show the size of the crowd:

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