Weekend Update with Kevin Neala… Wait!

Hmm… What did I do this week? I wrote a mediocre post on Holocaust Memorial Day.  A review of Ikaruga that I quite like, mostly because it is more creative than I’m usually allowed to do over at Gamestooge, which is why it is posted here. They wanted something a little more objective, which I gave them and that should be going up in the next few days…

This week is supposed to be a little slow at the Capitol, not that that means anything, no one seems to know what is going to happen over there. Next week is supposed to be crazy and I’ll be working the weekend, which is not something I’m looking forward to, but then no one asked. I’m just the intern 😛

What is in store for this week? If I can get around to it a little first impressions review of GTA4 multi-player, a retro review of an as of yet to be determined game (probably something on virtual console or live arcade), I’m also going to start a playthrough of the Space Quest series for Talking Time, and I think that is quite enough. I also need to finish reviewing two pieces of writing, and start putting down ink on paper for my own stories. If I get it all done I’ll be very impressed with myself. I’m a realist though and expect me to get through maybe half of it… Go Me!

In other news my Warlock on Wow (Elune) just reached level 60 today… 3 1/2 years after I created him! I’m hoping not to take another year to get him to 70. But, then you never know…

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