Beer Review: New Belgium’s Accumulation

2013-12-13 18.42.59

From the bottle:

Accumulation White IPA was inspired by the white beauty that falls each winter from our Colorado sky. Flurries of Mosaic and Amarillo hops bring soft fruit and citrus flavor, followed by a layer of bitter.


Piled high in IBUs, Accumulation will make your winter brighter.

From my notes:

 Lots of hop, spice and fruit on the nose. Taste is opposite of how the brewer describes it! I get hops and bitter at first in the mouth followed up with spices, citrus and some pine. Very crisp, with some hints of melon and fruit in the finish.

2013-12-13 18.43.37


I’ve got to say this came as surprise as New Belgium’s other two seasonals (Rolle Bolle and Pumpkick) from this year were pretty bad in my opinion so I was keeping expectations low. Accumulation is a good white IPA; a nice blending of hops and grain, bitter and sweet.

Rating (out of five):

Beer Review: New Belgium’s Coconut Curry Hefeweizen

2013-11-20 20.13.01

From the bottle:

The list of spices in this coconut curry hefeweizen is almost as long as the list of awards bestowed on homebrewer, Remi Bonnart. Together, we brewed up a traditional German-style wheat beer whose fruity esters and spicy phenols pair perfectly with the spicy and fruity character of curry spices. Pour yourself a plateful.

From New Belgium’s website:

The aroma is bold and big with coconut and curry tones and a hint of banana from the hefe yeast. With a vast spice list of cinnamon, coriander, fenugreek, ginger, kaffir lime, and cayenne pepper this beer carries a bit of heat but the alcohol soothes the finish. Coconut Curry Hefe will leave an inquisitive smile on the drinker’s mug.

From my notes:

Lovely opaque strawberry blonde color with a white, large bubbled head and nice lacing. Malt and spices on the nose with a hint of coconut and citrus. Coconut milk comes through in the taste as well as several spices. Things are getting complicated here… A little bitter on the finish.

2013-11-20 20.14.00

I’m not sure if I understand all that was going on with this beer. Both the smell and taste were very complicated and messy, it got hard to tell what I was tasting… Different. Not different bad. But, I don’t know if I could say different good either. This beer tastes almost too like Thai curry to be enjoyable. I’m glad I tried it but I don’t know if I’ll ever want to drink it again.

Rating (out of 5):

New Belgium’s Pumpkick Fall Seasonal

2013-09-08 19.03.55

 From the bottle:

What’s that bite of tartness doing in a pumpkin beer? Adding the unexpected kick of cranberry juice to brighten this traditionally spiced seasonal ale. Pumpkick is brewed with plenty of pumpkin juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, but it’s the cranberries and touch of lemongrass that send your tastebuds sailing

From my notes:

 Slightly cloudy amber color, thick tan head with very fine bubbles that quickly dissipated. The beer smells of cooked pumpkin with hints of cinnamon, no sweet on the nose. Refreshing mouthfeel, crisp. Sweet pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg taste, light malts. Alcohol taste and burn on the finish.  Continue reading “New Belgium’s Pumpkick Fall Seasonal”

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