Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Final Part


We last saw our soon to be pirate and hero, Guybrush Threepwood, facing down the villainous ghost pirate LeChuck, who was in the process of forcing himself on the lovely Governor of Melee Island, Elaine Marley.
Threepwood had just issued his ultimatum to LeChuck and was preparing to soak the specter in sarsaparilla:

Secret of Monkey Island Secret of Monkey Island
Secret of Monkey Island Secret of Monkey Island

I’m just as confused as they are… Continue reading “Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Final Part”

Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 22

Refreshing Revenge

With the anti voodoo potion in hand Guybrush hoofs it back down to the bowels of hell:

But, LeChuck’s ship doesn’t seem to be there?

This doesn’t sound good… Continue reading “Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 22”

Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 21

Into the Monkey Head

With the key in hand and the navigator’s head Guybrush is ready to enter the nether regions of Monkey Island

“Gross” Continue reading “Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 21”

Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 20

An Undead Problem

Guybrush exits the Cannibal Village and then heads right back in:

The Secret of Monkey Island

“Yes. Yes I did.”

The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island

Continue reading “Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 20”

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