Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Seven


We last saw Sonny and Keith on an airplane being hi-jakced. So let’s just get back to that, huh?

Oh, is that where they want to go? to Bum Around? Well then we should just let them…

or not! Continue reading “Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Seven”

Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Six

What Next?

We left Sonny notifying the Steelton police that a person in their town was on Bain’s hit list. They didn’t seem that interested… Next, Sonny heads over to the Burglary department to follow up on what Keith said about that shotgun at the motel.

Sonny ask Detective Simpson about the burglary:

Sonny next asks about finger prints:

We now know Bain has another shotgun and a .32 with a silencer as well as the gun he lifted off of the prison guard. Before heading out (to where?) Sonny checks his gun in the shooting range. It’s shooting high and to the right this time. He makes the necessary sight adjustments and then turns in his evidence to Big John: Continue reading “Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Six”

Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Five

Motel Games

We last left Sonny, Keith, and the SWAT squad waiting for tear gas to clear out of a roach motel room. When it finally does the two detectives head in:

Sonny takes a look around the room:

There are a lot of times in this game when the game just isn’t that helpful…

Sonny enters the bathroom, the one you can’t see and don’t know is actually here unless you guess, and looks around:

Sonny looks closer at the sink (and shower, toilet, shower, etc…): Continue reading “Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Five”

Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Four

Another Parking Lot

As Keith wanders off into the parking lot Sonny moves exactly to the stolen car:

“check VIN”

Next Sonny dusts the rearview mirror. Why? Well, because the person who stole it probably had to adjust it:

As soon as we finish Keith pops up:

Sonny heads back to the car to notify dispatch: Continue reading “Didn’t I Say Drop IT?! Let’s Play Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Part Four”

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