Let’s Play Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero? Part 10

Sidenote: Exploring Erasmus’ Magic Fun House

Quite a bit nicer than the Wizard in King’s Quest 3…

Bears?! Everything is Cooler with Bears

The first thing Garcon needed to do was get better at some of his skills, mostly stealth. How do you that? Easy you walk around the forest endlessly channeling some mysterious force from beyond time and space that makes your body endlessly cycle through walking and sneaking.

Seriously, that is how you level up stealth. Perseii also spent time cleaning out stables, cast magic at random objects, picking his nose, and climbing trees and walls. All in a full days work!

Once that was done though he wanted to start counter cursing! So, how did that counter curse go again?

Free the Man from in the Beast

That doesn’t sound good! Problem is, Jackson hasn’t seen any beasts around here! Besides that White stag, but he’s pretty sure that belongs to the Dryad and you, as you’ll learn in these correspondence courses you do not want to mess with a tree lady!
Some more looking around is in order! Into the forest!

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Let’s Play Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero? Part 9

Meeting Erasmus, Part Three

On the Warlock:

Baba Yaga:


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Let’s Play Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero? Part 8

Castle Spielburg: Work

Garcon first went to the westside:


Then he tried the castle proper:


Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero? Part 8”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero? Part 7

Time to Be a Hero, Maybe…


Day 2 – Perseii wakes up the next morning refreshed and ready to resume his journey towards herodom


Jackson didn’t meet every towns person yesterday and is so returns to town to finish making introductions. First stop, the farm where he interrogates the centaur farmer:

ask about farm



ask about brigands


Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero? Part 7”

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