STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 18

Thanks to Teg for the photoshopping

The work?

Is alive.

I'[m] feeling
[No,] expended.
Fired, buried.

Walk away?

Chance it?

Taste it?
The bombs and fire
That weigh [you] down.

*running away*
Think of each coupling as parts of a conversation? and the last line as action. Not my best work...
Think of each coupling as parts of a conversation? And the last line as action. Not my best work…

STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 17

Thanks to Teg for the photoshopping

It'(s) burning
Hard, smoke

Muster fast.
Seconds left

Clicked off
And out
Trouble stands out when you are alone in space. Accidents can quickly become fatal. But, what is it like to die? Is it binary? On and off. In and out. Clicking on and off…

STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 16

Thanks to Teg for the photoshopping


Full power
Out into,

Armor[ed], [and]

The Ways

Swarms bearing.

Growls move [me] forward
[Into] trouble.



So far this has been the most difficult page to turn into something. There’s just too much of of the specifics of Starship Troopers in here to make a good space opera poem out of. Though a poem about super models or drug addicts would be easy enough with some of these words. The ‘full power’ in the first line immediately made me think of Picard’s ‘Engage’ and Kirk’s ‘Ahead’ but getting the words to take those first two anywhere were hard to come by. I ended up with oblique references to a heavily armored ship traversing the void pursued by some unknown, perhaps supernatural, menace.

STAR**** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project – Page 15

Thanks to Teg for the photoshopping

I guess I(‘)m
Empty, alone

Far out
In the light
Behind the stars

As far away…

The last One
Sent careless(ly)
Lone, probably insane, astronuat sent out into the abysses between the stars. Slowly his mind begins to eat itself.  He trusts no one, not even himself
Lone, probably insane, astronuat sent out into the abysses between the stars. Slowly his mind begins to eat itself.
He trusts no one, not even himself
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