Decluttering and Amazon

Only a small sample of the problem

I’ve talked before about the clutter in my house… Mostly the accumulation of books. Recently, I based an entire month of giveaways around that fact.  Despite, giving books away to friends and donating them to libraries and non-profits my house is still full of the things. Sometimes no one wants to take a book off your hands… or a videogame, or piece of electronics.

Until now, these things have just been sitting in closets or on shelves, making me feel guilty every time I look at them. Then someone on-line reminded me of the Amazon Trade-in Store which buys books, electronics, video games, and DVDs! I rounded up all the books and such that had been lying around forever and started scanning them in. Amazon ended up taking almost all of them (they were interested in four books.) and I ended up with $70 of credit with Amazon (which is pretty much like real money anyway, is there anything you can’t buy on Amazon?)

They Take Everything

Even nicer, Amazon pays for the shipping and anything they don’t buy from you gets mailed back to you free of charge as well! This first round was quite successful, so much so that I find myself looking for other things to sell to them

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