If you look back in the archives of the site you’ll find a heated discussion on several posts regarding the California Proposition 8. While I opposed Prop. 8, and still do, and the LDS church’s involvement in it is what ultimately convinced me to have my name taken off their records I still held out the hope that the Church would come around on their LGBT stance, as they did with Blacks in the Church.
It seems that a small step toward fully accepting LGBT into the Church has been taken. The Mormon church still thinks homosexual relationships and acting on homosexual thoughts is still a sin, but they no longer consider thoughts of such activities a matter for confession and therapy. This seems like a tiny, inconsequential step, and in many ways it is. But, it’s also a big shift from what has been standard church policy and not what I expected from a Church run by conservative, old, white men.
I’m hopeful that this is a first step and that as LGBT’s rights are recognized in the United States and across the world the LDS Church will continue to revise its procedures and statements until one day one of their prophets has the revelation that God loves LGBTs just as much as he loves the rest of us. If it doesn’t then the hope and nostalgia I still carry for what was a very large part of my life will die as will my respect for an organization that does a great deal of good work in this world.
I’m hopeful it won’t come to that though. They have taken this step and they’ll eventually take the others and the hateful bigots who hide amongst the many good people in the LDS church will have to find a new way to cover their hate.
You can call me a dreamer, that’s okay I’m in good company.