Beer of the Week 48: Baba Black Lager

Uinta Brewing Company’s Baba Black Lager

From their website:

Robust and smooth, this full-flavored lager is exceptionably drinkable and pitch black in color.

From my notes:

Dark, nearly opaque black a dark cherry color at the base of the glass and near the top where the light hits it. A fine bubbled, quickly dissipating chocolate milk colored head, no lacing. Hits the nose with milky chocolate and light roast coffee beans. Taste reinforces the smell backed up with some nice malt roasts. Not thick like a stout or porter. Medium carbonation.

Did you know Baba Black lager is a Schwarzbier ?

Schwarzbeirs aren’t terribly common in the United States. I’ve only ever seen Baba Black Lager and Sam Adam’s Black Lager in stores before though you’ll have better luck at a pub, beer shop, or brewery. Unlike porters and stouts Schwarzbeirs tend to the light side of the spectrum as well as not being as heavily bitter and roasted as porters and stouts. This is because they do not rely on malts for their flavor profile. Schwarzbeirs, and Baba in particular, are good winter beers when you are looking for lighter fare. Sometimes you want to drink a thick, heavy, dark beer as your meals and sometimes you don’t!

Rating (out of five):

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