Earth Hour

Diana and I did Earth Hour last Sunday, like many others did (I hope). We turned off all the lights, unplugged all of our power strips and lighted several candles throughout the house.  For an hour we sat at her table playing cards and talking. It was a wonderful experience! It brought the two of us closer to each other and the thousands of others who participated that day/night. Talking about it afterwards we thought it would be nice to do on a regular basis, maybe once a week. We aren’t religious people but I feel we are spiritual and at the moment we don’t have an outlet for that emotion, we felt that we could turn Earth Hour into a time to share with each other, our neighbors and our greater community, the plants, animals, soil, that surround us and which we spend so little of our time thinking about or recognizing. Taking an hour out of our busy schedule to reflect on this, while giving a little back just seems right to us.

Working the Capitol…

Not quite I’m the one getting worked, or I soon will be. I started my internship with the Chief Clerk of the California Assembly last week. I’m part of the floor analysis unit, which means absolutely nothing to you, since you don’t really know how things work up at the capitol do you? I could explain it but it is all very complicated and redundant. What did you expect? I’m working for the government. The workload is light right now, I keep myself occupied with busy work. In May, June, and July it is suppose to get crazy because the Legislature has to pass a budget then.

I wish I could give you juicy gossip some of which I’m sure I have, but I just don’t know enough about anyone there to tell you anything, besides I’m in a non-partisan  position and I have to keep what I hear to myself, especially since I’m trying to make a good impression with my bosses in the hopes I get a letter of recommendation out of this.

As I get stories I’ll relate them to you here, I’ll just change names and such.

Stay tuned!

Random Code

I finished playing Professor Layton and the Curious Village look for my review over at Gamestooge soon. I enjoyed the game but you won’t find it sneaking onto my top 10 DS games. I’ve picked up Etrian Odyssey mostly on the recommendation of everyone at Toastyfrog. I haven’t gotten into it yet so I can’t tell you my thoughts on it, I know that when it came out there was no fanfare and that it still sold out of its initial run and can only be found at a high price on the second hand market, apparently its a sleeper hit.

Finished my two applications for the government fellowships and mailed them out just in the knick of time. I’m not getting my hopes up, if I get it fantastic if not I’ll live. I have heard back from the graduate programs I applied to sadly I did not get into any graduate school. I have my internship which starts in March it goes until August, what happens after that? I couldn’t tell you. I’m living for today, or for the next few months.

EDIT: The review is up now! Follow th HTML! Link

The King of Kong – somewhat like a review…

I just finished watching the King of Kong sans any of the special features which might update the story a little. All I can say is that Billy Mitchell is a coward. That, and I don’t know why I find myself caring so much about Donkey Kong. But, I do and that is the power of this documentary that chronicles the goal of a laid off middle aged American man trying to make his life have some meaning… and his struggle to enter into the somewhat obscure and very “selective” world of classic video game records. Not going to say anything more, just that this is a great character study and a wonderful story of good vs. evil

Go Steve Weibe!

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