Do you have a DS?

I was going to draw a clever little flow chart to follow depending on your answer to that question but I’m lazy and every answer pointed to being a retard if you didn’t and going out to immediately purchase one. I’d describe the DS as being very close to heaven if I believed in invisible home somewhere in space were spirits spend all their time praising a mythical magical daddy with a big white beard (that’s my one rant this post, promise!) The DS is a really great system and I’m not the only one who thinks so, there are 20 million DS users in the United States alone, the DS is on its way to being the best selling console of all time! So stop reading this and go get one, their relatively cheap, especially considering the prices of current home consoles (arm, leg, soul).

Did you get one? Is it shiny and new and beautiful? Yes stroke your DS, love it, say goodbye to your significant other for the time being too, this baby can be a time sink, and best of all you can sink time anywhere! Now what to play on it? Here is my top 10 games for the system.

10. New Super Mario Brothers – A new 2-d platform adventure with our man with the mustache. The game is rendered in 3-d but the play is everything you remember from those days sitting in front of your television going up and down tubes and consuming mushrooms. A must have!

9. Nintendogs – Can’t afford a real dog? Don’t have time for a real dog?Maybe you just don’t have room or your significant other is allergic? If that is the case, Nintendo has the answer to your dilemma! A virtual pet that you can’t kill and will always remain an adorable puppy! Plus all those boring things you hate doing, like bathing, walking, picking up shit, are now fun mini-games!

8. Pokemon Pearl/Diamond – Gotta Catch’em All!

7. Super Mario Kart DS – It’s Mario Kart! You can play on-line (*shudder* friend codes, Nintendo needs to rethink their on-line multiplayer strategy) The same old fun that you’ve come to expect from the kart series. The game is easy enough to get into and beat but it’ll take dedication and practice to master it!

6. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass – I can’t seem to get into the new console bases Zelda’s I just don’t like the 3-d view and gameplay, call me old fashioned, I like my Zelda from a top down view. Phantom Hourglass delivers old-school Zelda gameplay with great graphics and intuitive gameplay using the touchpad and stylus.

5. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow – It isn’t Symphony of the Night, but nothing is! This is as close as you’re going to get on the portable front, well you could buy a PSP and get it that way, but then you’d have a 200+ dollar toy that plays one good game… Back to the DS! Castlevania has a convoluted story that involves Dracula, but it can mostly be ignored. What you need to know is that the game is a fantastic 2-d exploration game steeped in western horror tropes.

4. Animal Crossing: Wild World – How to describe Animal Crossing? It’s like real life but fun and your an animal. You have a house, you do odd jobs, you buy furniture, you build friendships.. It sounds terrible but this game has a huge following, if you have friends who have the game as well, your options expand exponentially as you can visit them and they can visit you. Animal Crossing is less a game and more an experience. If you have doubts rent it first, but you’ll like it!

3. Advance Wars: Dual Strike – Advance Wars is Nintendo’s turn based strategy game. Unlike other TBS games though it doesn’t take itself to seriously, the graphics are bright and cartooney, and the story is light-hearted. They’ve moved to a darker more serious look with their newest game in the series, which is why I’ve picked this one as it retains the light heartedness that made it fun, it’s not war and pain, but rock-paper-scissors, but you call it soldier, tank, airplane.

2. Puzzle Quest – Who doesn’t love Bejeweled? No one. Now add some RPG and strategy elements throw in duels, and you have yourself an addicting juggernaut that so far has taken on every console and the PC. Everyone love’s this game! I can’t get my hands on my DS at times because Diana is still playing this game!

1. Contra 4 – Not for the light hearted! I’m currently obsessed with this game despite its crushing difficulty. It’s too addictive to put down. Check out my review at

Best of all the DS is a system which largely has the field to itself, and one that is extremely popular so we can look forward to more great games.

P.S. Did you know that your DS can also play Gameboy Advance games? Of course you do, you read the manual. Next time I’ll tell you what games you absolutely need for the last Gameboy.

Forming Habits – Part 3

So I’ve hit a snag in my plan to hack my life with my simple 6 step program. It is a lot easier to drop a bad habit than it is to pick up a good one. Take for instance my current project, meditating everyday, not going so well. I’ve done it one and a half times since I started it on January 15th. That isn’t very good. That is terrible! Why the difficulty? Well, the goal isn’t as simple as it sounds at first. Meditate, that’s easy enough, right? Nope, I don’t have a set time I wake up every morning, so there isn’t a set time for me to do meditation in the morning. There is a new goal right there! Before I can make meditating a habit I have to make getting up at the same time a each day a habit, this isn’t such a bad thing as I’m going into a new job that will require me to be at work the same time everyday (and it isn’t late in the afternoon 😛 ). I also live with other people who wake up at different times than me and have different schedules it can be difficult to meditate then. I’m not giving up and I’m not complaining! I just need to re-think this and come back at it again from a new angle, or perhaps set up a decent sleep schedule (Diana will be happy 😀 ).  Just like I said in the original post the important thing is to not give up!

Random Code

Not really since I’ve never been able to program anything much beyond “Hello World”. It is simply a place holder as I can’t think of a witty title for this entry. So Zen meditation is so boring. You just sit there, trying not to think, but not trying too hard as that also defeats the purpose. Also 20 minutes doesn’t seem like a long time, but when you’re just sitting there alone with your thoughts it is. I’ve never spent so much time intently interested in the paint on the walls. I’ve only done it twice now and I can already tell that I am not comfortable with myself. I can’t stand to spend more than a minute or two all alone, before I go looking for a distraction, any distraction! I know on an intellectual level that meditation is suppose to help us break out of the “I/My” of ourselves and experience life, the moment, reality without getting in the way of it. This being our problem as humans, we can’t just live in the moment because we are too busy cluttering it up with shit from the past or illusions about the future. I have a serious problem with this, I hope the meditation helps as recognizing it doesn’t help at all, because you are still trapped in the whole ego thing… But, then if enlightenment were easy everybody would be a saint or a buddha…

Random What Have Yous

As the title suggests this is just a little hodge-podge of going-ons, funny things I’ve found and, you know, random stuff…

First – I’ve completed my review for Contra 4, it can be found here

Next – I’ve been a Ron Paul supporter for awhile now but doing looking closer at the man’s platform has changed my mind. As much as I like libertarian ideals and ideas, it’s not practical or realistic in the world today. Tony Long does a great job explaining why here,  he said a lot of what I was feeling in a much more understandable and shorter way. Please read!

Third – This funny comic by political cartoonist Matt Davies. It started with Edwards then Obama took it, now every candidate in both parties is talking about “change” in Washington D.C. as a new thing. Politicians have been promising the American voter change for the last 200 years, somehow though they’ve yet to deliver… strange…

Lastly – I promise real content soon! Um, I’m working on something… Yeah, that’s the ticket! Seriously though I’ve fallen way behind on my own work, I need to rectify that, it’s going into the list of resolutions (speaking of which still not biting my nails!).  I have a few ideas for good postings, I hope they show up here soon!

That’s it for now!

P.S. Kisses Diana!

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