Beer Review: New Belgium’s Accumulation

2013-12-13 18.42.59

From the bottle:

Accumulation White IPA was inspired by the white beauty that falls each winter from our Colorado sky. Flurries of Mosaic and Amarillo hops bring soft fruit and citrus flavor, followed by a layer of bitter.


Piled high in IBUs, Accumulation will make your winter brighter.

From my notes:

 Lots of hop, spice and fruit on the nose. Taste is opposite of how the brewer describes it! I get hops and bitter at first in the mouth followed up with spices, citrus and some pine. Very crisp, with some hints of melon and fruit in the finish.

2013-12-13 18.43.37


I’ve got to say this came as surprise as New Belgium’s other two seasonals (Rolle Bolle and Pumpkick) from this year were pretty bad in my opinion so I was keeping expectations low. Accumulation is a good white IPA; a nice blending of hops and grain, bitter and sweet.

Rating (out of five):

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