STAR*** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project

Thanks to Teg for helping with the image!

I got this crazy idea for a poetry project. I was going to take one of the numerous books I have lying around and use it to create poetry! Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein wasn’t the only book lying around but I figured it’s be the most interesting book to try this with. How does it work? I use each page to write a poem striking out the words I don’t want to use, whatever is left is the poem. Each page is it’s own poem and the entire book is one really long weird poem. Starship Troopers is 263 pages long so I’ll have plenty of fodder! Here is the first installment:

Page One of Star**** **oop**s

I always had hypnotic brainwaves
trembling in the drop

like coconuts while they fell
wasn’t bad

Five Reasons You’re Not a Writer (or an Artist, or a Whatever)

If you just want to look like a creative type just buy a damn beret and a v-neck sweater…
  1. You’re not writing right now
  2. You’re too distracted with getting rid of distractions
  3. You’re too busy Lifehacking
  4. You maybe just don’t like writing
  5. You’re only in love with the idea of being a writer; not all the work it would require to be a writer

Fictive Funk: On the Last Launch of the Shuttle Atlantis

July 8, 2011 - Space Shuttle Atlantis Lifts Off for the Last Time

Skyward, burning lance

Crossing the eternal void

Taking Man starward

enshrined in Science

For the last time

Humanity braves Infinity

My Name in Print on a Book!

I took this one day at work with a cheap instant camera

It isn’t exactly how I want to see my name on a book. The goal here is to be the name that comes after the title, you know, the author? But, I’ll take what I can get for now. You can’t ever be the author if you don’t ever sit down and write. That’s a problem I have, I don’t write nearly enough.

The new edition of California’s Legislature just came out (you can see the old edition here.) I was interning in the Chief Clerk’s office at the time it was being revised and such and helped do research for the book. I don’t quite recall what the research was. It was looking up various dates or verifying said dates. Anyway, that isn’t important; what’s important is that my name is in the acknowledgments section of the book:

That's me! I circled it for you to make it easier to find

Shock of all shocks they spelled my name wrong. Doesn’t matter that I had it verified twice with the editors. I’m sure some “helpful” person at the Printer’s decided I didn’t know how to spell my own name. To you “helpful” printer I say, “die in a fire, please.”

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