Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 6

Like Stealing Valuables from an Old Senile Man

We rejoin Garcon in the home of old man Nikolai. What is he doing here? Robbing the poor guy blind obviously! Let’s get to it!

First things first, Perseii sneaks so as to avoid making any noise while exploring the house. His first target the wardrobe up against the wall. Before he opens it though he oils the hinges of both doors:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

With the hinges oiled he opens it up and rifles through:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 6”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 5

Worst Security System Ever?

Last time we left Garcon cooling his heels in weird hall seemingly filled with bizarre creatures and near useless machinery. He had just captured a juvenile Antwerp using the TRAP system. And while Perseii has the TRAP open he decides to ask it about another strange creature that keeps popping up all over Mordavia. The Hexapod:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory
Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory
Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Ho ho ho aren’t you hilarious?


The TRAP then goes on to tell Jackson that hexapods have a soft spot for garlic. And since this valley seems to be teeming with the stuff it shouldn’t be too hard to find.

What now Danar? That door on the left looks interesting. This time though he reads the sign:

Quest for Glory

I beat he’s going to need that key to get anywhere in this place! Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 5”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 4

Bugging Out

A couple weeks back we left Garcon in the secret basement of the Adventurer’s Hall which doubles as the Thieves Guild. After some sluething, lockpicking, and safe cracking managed to open a secret wall and meet the Master thief here in Mordavia. Who happens to be a giant bug. I guess we should talk to him?

Quest for Glory

Ask about the castle:

Quest for Glory

Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 4”

Video Games Completed – Wrapping up 2015

Video Games Completed

Video games complete is another number I’ve been tracking for quite some time, all the way back to 2010. The average so far has been 55 games per year. Despite that I seem to always have a never ending pile of unplayed, and unbeaten video games to play. Despite the tumultuous events of the year I’m only slightly down from my average with 47 games completed in 2015.

PC games got the lion’s share of attention in 2015 totaling 26 of the 47 completed. Of those 26 games Dark Souls consumed the majority of the time I spent playing PC games. After attempting the game multiple times both on the Xbox 360 and PC it finally clicked. I know when it came out I had nothing but bad things to say about Dark Souls and some of my criticisms then still hold true. The manual is woefully inadequate for complexities found in the game and the messages left by other players and wiki sites are a poor substitute for proper documentation. If I was to do a game of the year for 2015 it would be Dark Souls, I haven’t spent that much time with a video game since I was in high school…

With that here is the list of video games completed in 2015: Continue reading “Video Games Completed – Wrapping up 2015”

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