Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Seven

WITless again

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Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Six


Remember when we asked Keapon about Magic and he mentioned WIT? That’s the Hogwart’s of the Quest for Glory universe and it has a branch in Shapier. Perseii heard they have a large collection of precious objects just lying around so he figures it’s worth a shot to find. But how? Well, you use magic of course! Casting ‘detct magic’ in the corridors will reveal a big magic arrow that you can follow to WIT’s door:

The door only opens if you cast ‘open’ on it which Danar does:

“nice place… A little ostentatious though.”

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Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Five

Reading the Stars for Something


ask about scorpian

ask about dragon

ask about stars

ask about hand

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Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Four

Day 2 – Reaping what you sow

Garcon wakes up pretty early and seeing how late he was getting to bed it doesn’t appear as if the poor guy got much sleep at all. First things first he rushes to the Money Changers office to sell his hot goods, only to find that she sleeps in late. Well he does have some money still from the exchange so he might as well spend it. He heads to Laffin’s Magic Shop and asks hims what spells he is carrying:

Perseii already has three of those spells (he bought Detect in Spielburg, ‘Enry gave him trigger, and he won Dazzle by defeating Erasmus at the Mage game, remember?) Force Bolt and Levitate are new though! He picks them up:

Hopefully that burned enough time cause it certainly burned through our Jackson’s wallet! Back to the Money Changers:

After we hand over the Tea set she wanted so badly she let’s us in on another job, well more like an opportunity:

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