I fancy myself a writer. Well a potential writer. Actually I want to be a writer and I want to write.
That’s close enough to the truth. The problem has been inspiration. I haven’t felt very creative recently. Recently means in the last eight or nine months. Yup, it has been hard for me to get the old noggin’ producing anything more than short poems. That isn’t a good sign. This blog exist partially as a result of this dry spell. I needed a place to practice writing, even when I don’t have anything to say.
Working at Borders I see a lot of books, duh. My store has a section on writing. It includes books on plot, character names, finding an agent, getting publish, constructing story arches. All sorts of reference material. Just about anything you can name or guess that is related to the field of writing and publishing, a book exists on it and my store carries it or can have it for you in five to seven days. I’ve been tempted at times to buy some of these books, in the hopes that their authors have some how distilled the essence of best selling novel writing techniques and methods into 100 or 200 pages. But then I shake my head, laugh a little to myself and realize that there is no formula and that these people are writing these books to makes some money off of me and besides where are their New York Times best seller list novel? Half the authors of these books I’ve never heard of and searches on the database at work show that they’ve only ever written books for the “how to write” market.
So what do I do to get back into the groove? Does anyone out there have any ideas? Maybe I should post the question to Metafilter and see if I can get some answers… That’s a great idea and if I do I can post them here! Even better I can do a search of Ask Metafilter and find this! I could search for more but I should read this over first… It seems persistence is the key, damn no quick and easy here either, oh well I guess that makes it similar to everything else.