Joyce, Stream of Consciousness, and what-not

Stream of consciousness is not as easy to write as one might think. What could be easier than transcribing your thoughts as they come to you? I don’t even think I could describe how hard it is. You should try it though. Just write what immediately comes into your head…

I’ll wait…

Did it come in words? Sentences with grammar included? If so then you weren’t doing it right or you editorialized yourself. Not that you can write true stream. Joyce didn’t he tried to, and even his tightly and meticulously constructed stream is nigh impossible to understand. Read Ulysses. If you can get through it I’d like you to tell me what you took out of it. Without the help of Cliff, if you please or the assistance of a tome of literary criticism. I’ve read the book twice, the first just to read it, the second was an attempt at understanding. I’ve never had a more painful experience in my life. I immediately suspect people who tell me that they get the book. I suspect that they are either lying or stupid. I also suspect that Joyce wrote the book as a cruel joke… Those who say they do understand it, are only better bull shit artists than you or I…

Anyone that’s enough for now. I have nothing left to say.

Here, take some Poetry!

Black cloak
and scythe are
gone and his
thin countenance

he lies there
mat of hair splayed
across his forehead
skin stretched
tight over rolls
of plenty

not the dry whisper
of rustled leaves
the gurgle of
cream and suger

a laugh crawls past
large lips to
tumble down his chins
death finds us now
not in our want
but in
the luxury of
our pleasures

Well I think this is it…

Took my last final for the quarter today. I don’t think I did bad at all… Scratch that, enough of being negative. I know I did good on the final. If all goes well and I dotted my i’s and crossed my t’s my undergraduate career should be over. I have to wait until July to find out for sure, (waiting truly is the hardest part!) what to do to celebrate? I’m going to play a little on my new XBOX 360 (graduation gift to myself) and then it’s work on my resume, try to get an internship and start studying for the LSATs and prepping for law school application. The learning never ends around here! (my debt is really starting to scare me too! At least at this point it’s all what can be termed good debt) To everyone else out there working on their tests and what not, good luck, carpe diem and all that good stuff, see you at the bars!


Is basically how and what I’m feeling right now. It’s my last quarter at university (for my bachelors degree). I have three finals that I have to pass, two this Saturday and I’m not feeling the confidence. I can’t fuck this up…

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