Lots of thoughts but not very much time spent on them…

I have about a dozen ideas to write about here, but I don’t want to put half baked ideas and thoughts up here. Now that I am writing here on a more consistent basis I want to start making sure that my posts have some content to them, that there is a reason to read what it is I am putting up here. I need to start reclaiming my time for this to happen. Reclaiming it from those great wasters the internet and television. I spend entirely too much time in front of this screen accomplishing nothing. I sit here and slowly watch time vanish. This needs to end.

In other news, I’ve signed up for the Davis Masters Swim team. I think it’s a team but maybe not. Anyway, it’s like a being on a high school swim team, with a grumpy coach and everything. This is exactly what I need because I cannot force myself to work out. I’ll let you know how this progresses. I am being positive.

The Wind

Back at home in the Desert. I don’t think I ever noticed the wind. The Desert is not a place where the billowing kiss of the sky stands out. No, it is the silence of heat that weighs down upon you. The early mornings might provide distractions from it, a bird here or the sigh of a breeze through the palms. With the ascension of the sun this all comes to an end. The sounds of life are absorbed into the heat. The desert caters to only two senses, the eye and the skin. Waves of heat shimmer down and rise up battering you with their power. And all life bows to the heavy hammer blows of the sun.

There are rare times though when this silent world is disturbed. When lesser forces of nature find the strength to resist the sun, if for only a moment. The Wind was one such force on rare summer days or autumn nights, it could howl through the palms and stir up the dirt. The original whiriling dervish…

If anything it let a soul know, that there was more than just the Sun in the world…

On Reading…

I just finished reading Gaiman’s and Pratchett’s collaboration, Good Omens. I’d never read it before and hadn’t heard of it until a few months back. Apparently its a pretty big deal.

Anyway, not what I wanted to talk about. As I came to the last few pages of the book, a familiar depression settled down upon me. The same one I get whenever I have picked up a good piece of fiction and become absorbed into it’s world. I knew it was all ending, and I didn’t want it to. For me The Word can be so powerful. Every book I consider good has done this. It has removed me temporarily from this reality and for a short time I was able to enjoy another. And then they end.

The best books make you think, regardless of the genre. You set it down, closing the covers for the last time. You sigh, and you think. “What if…?” Does it end there for you? Do your “what ifs” ever become spring board for action? As any piece of fiction made you uncomfortable with who you were? Or where you were going in life? Has it made you change your mind? Has it made you think and if you thought, did you ever act on them?

I wish I had answers…

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