LSATs!… eventually

So I started studying for the LSAT’s today. If you call and hour of my nose in my guide studying… I wasn’t just staring at the pages blankly, I was actually reading, studying, exerting mental energy. But, only for an hour. I need to look over my calender and start scheduling study sessions. If I have to leave home in order to actually study I’ll do that too. I just need to get it done, you know? I waste an inordinate amount of time doing nothing. While I am in the middle of committing these acts of nothing I am busily thinking about all the things I can and should be doing. This is a recipe for disaster! I need to transfer all these thoughts into actions. Stop living in my head and start living in reality.

I also have to register for the GREs, study for them, and begin giving a hard look at schools. Of course, before I do that I should decide on what type of graduate program I want to get into.

So many choices, no ideas what to do. So may ideas, and no will to make them.

I’m trying to stay positive. Look, I’m writing here. I have two ideas on back boilers, one in the pot. Things are good. I need to get focused and stay there is all.

What to do with myself…

So, school is out. Forever. Yup, I’m done with my undergraduate education. And now the days are just empty. I’ve been doing school since I was 4 and for it all to come to and end, its jarring. Getting an education really doesn’t prepare you for working 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week, until the end of your life. I find myself looking through UCD’s course catalog for classes to audit. You know, just attend and learn, without worrying about grades or papers. I should seriously think about this, especially for Latin, my Latin always needs more work.

So what am I doing? I’ve made all sorts of plans and initiatives in my head. Ones I’m sure I’ll never put into action. There are things that I do need to do though. I do need to start studying for the LSATs in September (not out forever, extended hiatus). I do need to write more. If I can’t write I can go through my back catalog and clean things up. I have plenty of fragments and scrawls that need some TLC. I also have some ideas that have been sitting on the back burner for far too long. I need to get these down in ink (at least the digital kind) and see what happens with them.

But, other than that, it’s just work and pay the bills. Boring, no?

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