It Really isn’t Something Anyone Should be Proud of…

Yet somehow they are?

I never understood the logic behind electing people who’s platform is that government doesn’t work and then being surprised that when said people are in office  government doesn’t work. They don’t want it to!

You wouldn’t go to a doctor who didn’t believe in modern medicine, you wouldn’t trust a accountant who didn’t believe in higher maths? Why would it be any different for civic positions?


ACK?! Here is a video about Cephalopods, Everyone loves those!

Keeping a schedule can be hard work, especially when you’re being hammered by work and have numerous other personal obligations. Spent the end of last week and the weekend back home in the desert where I was a groomsman for my best friend in high school. I didn’t have a lot of time for writing, or anything else really.

So, sorry about the filler post. Except it isn’t filler it’s a short, fascinating video about how camouflage in cephalopods works and how their ability to do it so well reveals that our ability to percieve the world, as it “really” is, is an illusion. Neat, huh?

Back to that wedding story; three piece black tuxedos in 100+ degree weather for over an hour? Not ideal.

Extinction is Forever


This animal will never be seen again, and that is Humanity’s fault.

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the death of the last known Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger. Adding insult to injury this specimen died from neglect, it was left of its protected shelter on a day with a blistering high temperature and a freezing night…

This footage is one of seven, each under a minute, films we have of Thylacines. Outside of taxidermied specimens and skeletons it is all that is left of it (you can see the rest here)

This is the part where I’m supposed to get all indignant and self-righteous and talk about how humans are wrecking shit up and berate you, the reader, to be better. But, today I’m just going to let the footage “speak” for itself.



Expect Delays

This is the busiest time of the year for California’s Legislature and so it is also the busiest time of the year for me. So, don’t expect much content this week or next as I find myself working 10+ hour days and seven day weeks. In the meantime enjoy this humorous photo of boxer dogs:

These aren't my boxers but they have tried to do this to me...
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