Book Update and such!

I’m mailing out 4 books today. I’ve requested some rarer books from some of the people at BookMooch, none of them have gotten back to me though. I’m also going out today to have some work done. I’m not saying what it’s a surprise. I finished reading the Adventurer’s Handbook last night and started on Chabon’s book, which is intriguing so far, though I don’t find the subject that interesting his style has a way of keeping your eyes on the page. I’m hoping as I continue reading I’ll find myself slipping into the characters and story. Back to the Adventurer’s Handbook, the book is a great introduction to the high age of exploration in the 19th and 2oth century. The only problem I had with the book is that it only wets the appetite. Conefrey does a great job summing up some of the great adventures and explorers of the last 200 years, but then he mentions that these people wrote their own books! I’m a terrible bibliophile and seeing all these references drove me mad. My reading list is long enough as it is, now there are an additional 7 or 8 titles on it. Thanks for nothing Mick!

The writing club starts in two days and I need to submit my piece. Since I came up with the idea I figured I’d be the first person to put myself up for public scrutiny. Problem? I don’t really have a piece I feel comfortable with showing, my fault completely as I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like. What writing I have been doing has been essays and non-fiction. I have ideas for stories but none of them have condensed into plot or story, just ideas. I’m putting the finishing touches on my Mainspring review, which I will be submitting in a few days.

That’s it for now.

A Small bit of Information

I’m going out in about an hour to see the newest Harry Potter movie, the 5th one I believe. It doesn’t look too bad, I’ll let you know when I get back from it though. I joined a book exchange site today, it’s called BookMooch. You sign up and make a list of the books you are willing to give away. Then you look for books you might want. People ask for books on your list and you mail them to them. They do the same for you. It’s based around a point system, so the only money involved is what you pay to ship (parcel post). I signed up a couple hours ago and I already have requests for several of my books. As I use it more I’ll tell you how it goes.

That’s it really, but you know keep your eye here for cool stuff. Later. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Lazy Wednesday

This is counting as a post for yesterday. What did I do yesterday? I worked from 6 AM to 2 PM. I then ran some errands. After completing those and returning home I thought it’d be fun to fill my garbage can up with water and then dump out on the kitchen floor… It was as awesome as it sounds! Clever fellow that I am, I decided to fill the trash can with water, to clean it, while it was still in the house. I did not notice that it has openings in the bottom to facilitate the pedal top. As I poured water in through the top it happily mixed with bleach and trash juice and leaked all over the floor. By the time I noticed, a nice pool was forming. Good times, good times.

I’ve played through most of New Super Mario Bros., but I’m getting stuck on the final level. It appears to be longer than every single level before it combined. This wouldn’t be an issue if the game prepared you for this kind of difficulty. It doesn’t though, up to the final level the game almost coddles you along from stage to stage and level to level. By the time I arrived at Bowser’s gates I had over 60 lives!? It’s a good thing too because I’m losing all of them trying to get through the damn thing. Again, I don’t mind a challenge but the level is incongruous with the rest of the game , the player is completely unprepared to have their platforming skills put to the test. I’ll keep at it.

In other gaming news I’ve stopped playing Faxanadu. For two reasons: First, the name is really hard to spell, also it’s dumb. Second, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I don’t feel like I should have to download a FAQ to be able to understand and beat this game. We’re gamers smarter back in the days of the NES? Or were we simply more forgiving (read ignorant). Whatever the case is, I’ve set it down. I’m writing up some thoughts on Final Fantasy (mostly the early incarnations) that I’ll post later today or tomorrow.

Wake up in the late afternoon

a little about me, Part II

Opening up is never an easy thing to do for anyone. For so many reasons… for me it is mostly letting people see you without any defenses, it is allowing them to take cheap shots at the things that matter most to us, and for some reason the things which are most beautiful and powerful to us are also the most fragile… Crystalline towers that can be toppled with just a breath. The anonymity of the internet provides some cover, absolute strangers comments can hardly matter and besides they don’t know who I am. Strangers aren’t the only people who read this though, friends and family visit here. I’m not to worried I’m not going to tell you anything that haven’t become comfortable with at the same time I won’t be editing myself in order to create some type of pseudo personality. We are all a series of masks that we wear so comfortably, so completely that if they were all torn away, I fear none of us would recognize ourselves… or perhaps they cannot be all torn off, co-opting another phrase “it’s masks all the way down”. Whatever the case is we create our history as much as it creates us. Memory is not a static uninvolved observer, it is not a digital camera that slowly records our lives, what the conscious and subconscious bury and forget is just as important as those more cherished wisps of the past.

So what wisps do I hold dear? I don’t know it changes, I’m not a finished product, to steal another saying I am still in the refiners’ fire, at times one part stands out and others I focus on some long forgotten moment that now seems to be so integral to my life. I guess in order to start this story right it is best to start at the beginning, where most story’s do… I was born in Tuscan, AZ to loving parents who already had one child, a boy. It was 1981, and stuff I’ve never taken the time to look into was happening, probably important, but I was busy filling my belly with milk and my diapers with stink. I spent the beginnings of my childhood in Arizona and Utah, but I don’t have any memories of those places, at least ones that are not suspect, some that are hazy and indistinct and seen from afar I think I made from hearing stories told over and over. My family eventually settled in Southern California and it is here that my earliest memories were formed. I remember an apartment complex that to my tiny mind seemed vast and in my memories the building tower above me, truly cyclopean in construction. I don’t remember much I have vague ideas of what the apartment looked like and who my friends were, I remember there was a pool in the center of it, with large wrought iron gates. And it ends there. I can’t tell you anything else about where I grew up until I was 4. We left the apartment and the suburbs of a major southern California metropolitan area and moved to La Quinta, about 30 minutes from Palm Springs, when we did no one knew where La Quinta was and almost no one lived there. Some of the streets were unpaved, none of them had gutters, there were no street lamps or stop lights. It was in the middle of a mostly inhospitable desert, that was empty half of the year. I loved it, I still do though it has changed so much since those days, there are gutters, lamps, lights and thousands of more permanent residents, I don’t think I could move back there though, it has outgrown me… When I walk down the streets I once knew so well, all the empty lots and open fields where I used to play are gone, Only my memories keep it as it once was. I wanted things to stay, but I went unheeded and time rushed in on my hometown and irreparably destroyed it for me.

The most powerful force in my life growing up the one that dominated every aspect of my public and private life was not my friends, family, or my own personal beliefs and convictions, it was the LDS Church. Most of my memories, good and bad can be tied to, ‘The Church’ which was how it was referred to be myself, friends and family. Like it’s name it’s presence was monolithic. At the heart of the Church’s message was God’s love for his children, his sacrifice of his beloved son, Jesus Christ, the veracity of his prophet’s (Joseph Smith) message, and his continual control and direction of his church here on this earth, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Growing up my social life was centered on the church, every Sunday my family attended it for three hours, once a week at the church my cub scout and when I was older boy scout troop met there (it was an LDS troop). Weekends (Fri. and Sat.) were spent on camping trips or socials. All of my friends were members of the Church and they stayed so until my freshman year of high school when I befriended a few non-Mormons. My family has and does pride itself on being good Mormons, who have done their duty (for 7 generations). I am probably my parents greatest disappointment and failure. This fact causes me no end of pain.

There is of course much more and I am going to say it all here, but this post is growing long, longer than I thought it would ever be (I don’t know why I thought telling a life, any life, could be quick…). I will continue it tomorrow or Sunday.

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