Squandering of America Part 1

Robert Kuttner’s new book is so dense with information that I couldn’t do it justice with a simple one paragraph review when I’m done with the book. Actually, I don’t know if I’ll ever finish the book, as at times it can be incredibly depressing how far our country has fallen. The most alarming issue that Kuttner raises is the control of big business in our politics, and how many of the problems behind the issue won’t even come up in debate, so fringe have the ideas of controlled and regulated markets come, despite how well they served our country in the post WW2 era. Why has this happened? Kuttner blames the successful marketing campaign of rich elites on Wall St. and in the Republican party to unload more and more on the american people while keeping more and more for themselves. I wish I could explain it as well as he does but you only have to read the first 100 pages for it become clear that at this point the average American worker is making less than s/he did 1o, 20, and 30 years ago, while her/his costs have continued to rise unchecked. Kuttner is optimistic though, that the changes aren’t permanent that it is only a matter of viewpoint and politics both of which can be changed, and that it is becoming clear to many that de-regulation was not the panacea  it has been touted to be by insiders, but that it will take a new politics and largely new politicians to do it, ones that aren’t in thrall to big business.

More to follow!

Finding Answers…

To questions I haven’t yet formulated. I recently went part time at Borders. There were a number of reasons behind the move, the biggest one being that I was unhappy. I was unhappy with the erratic schedule, the high demands, and the exceedingly low rewards for my work. Sadly, though this means I have taken a pay cut which is troublesome as my budget is tight already. For a college graduate I make very little 😛 I was okay going part time because it gave me more time to work on writing and other things, but at the same time it makes it harder to pay bills. It’s also a little premature as I was hoping to keep the full time position until March when my internship starts. That didn’t work though. I’m pretty sure I’ll be ok as soon as my tax return comes back, but I can’t file yet because the IRS isn’t ready to accept my e-file. According to the service I’m using I should be able to file by the 1oth. When it does come no problems, until then I need pinch every penny.

In the meantime I’m looking for greener pastures with some better pay.

Forming Habits – Part 3

So I’ve hit a snag in my plan to hack my life with my simple 6 step program. It is a lot easier to drop a bad habit than it is to pick up a good one. Take for instance my current project, meditating everyday, not going so well. I’ve done it one and a half times since I started it on January 15th. That isn’t very good. That is terrible! Why the difficulty? Well, the goal isn’t as simple as it sounds at first. Meditate, that’s easy enough, right? Nope, I don’t have a set time I wake up every morning, so there isn’t a set time for me to do meditation in the morning. There is a new goal right there! Before I can make meditating a habit I have to make getting up at the same time a each day a habit, this isn’t such a bad thing as I’m going into a new job that will require me to be at work the same time everyday (and it isn’t late in the afternoon 😛 ). I also live with other people who wake up at different times than me and have different schedules it can be difficult to meditate then. I’m not giving up and I’m not complaining! I just need to re-think this and come back at it again from a new angle, or perhaps set up a decent sleep schedule (Diana will be happy 😀 ).  Just like I said in the original post the important thing is to not give up!

One habit broken, starting a new one

it’s been over 30 days and I haven’t bitten one of my nails, so we’re going to say that that is done, Mission Accomplished! Unlike our President I doubt you’ll continue to hear about the struggle against my nails for the next 4 years when I say ‘Mission Accomplished’ I mean it! I’ve been biting my nails for as long as I can remember so I’m excited that I was able to break the habit. I have to admit that cutting them with a clipper is a hassle especially on my right hand, damn my dexterity! It does show a little more class than shoving them in my mouth…

Like I said in previous posts I’m going to try and start doing Zazen, specifically shikantaza, which according to Hardcore Zen translates into “just sitting”, he also calls it “the real deal” and “hardcore zen” I’m going to start tomorrow morning and do it for 20 minutes. Planning how to do it wasn’t that difficult. I just sit and look at a blank wall for twenty minutes, not trying to think, but letting thoughts come and go as they please. The important thing is to set up a consistent schedule and keep to it! I’ll report back to you all regularly on my progress.  We’ll see how this goes…

In other news I’m taking a break from non-fiction for a bit, it is just too depressing right now, especially Squandering America.

More Soonish…

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