Inside, I’m Screaming

turn the key


and again

pull it out


walk away

one step

two step…


put the key in

turn the key


and again

pull it out


walk away

one step

two step…


put the key in

turn the key


and… wipe the

tears out of

my eyes…


pull it out


walk away

one step

two step…


put the key in…

Habit Update and Random Code

So, here we are in the middle of February and my meditation habit forming goal lies in tatters around me. I’ve done it a grand total of 5 times since Jan. 20th which isn’t a stellar performance, and definitely not enough to form an actual habit. So where do I go from here? The important thing is not to get disappointed and give up. Self Improvement is a good thing and we all should be working on ourselves… If religion has given us anything good, it is the desire to better ourselves and those around us. Back on topic! What do I do now then? I’m not giving up on the Zen meditation, I’m going to continue trying to do it in the morning, but I’m thinking it will go on the back burner while I finish some other important things, and work on easier habits to form…

So what does that mean for you my beloved readers? it means expect more writing here, or less. One of the habits up on the block is writing daily. This can take the form of blog posts, creative writing, or professional writing. Another is waking up at the same time everyday. I’m thinking 8:30 AM or 9:00 AM. But that might need to be earlier I also need to do a test run on taking the train to Sacramento and how I’m going to do this commute for the next several months.

The writing goal is going to be at the top of the list, as I have 3 projects that have to get done before the 27th of this month, 1 that needs to be done before the 15th and several that have been sitting around for far too long. So those are a priority.

In other news, I’m done filling out all the paperwork for my internship, which makes it very real, I’m sure I’ll be getting anxious soon enough. I’ll share it all with you.

The King of Kong – somewhat like a review…

I just finished watching the King of Kong sans any of the special features which might update the story a little. All I can say is that Billy Mitchell is a coward. That, and I don’t know why I find myself caring so much about Donkey Kong. But, I do and that is the power of this documentary that chronicles the goal of a laid off middle aged American man trying to make his life have some meaning… and his struggle to enter into the somewhat obscure and very “selective” world of classic video game records. Not going to say anything more, just that this is a great character study and a wonderful story of good vs. evil

Go Steve Weibe!

Voting, It’s what’s good for America!

In states all over the Union today is the primary. Here in California there is another hour until the polls close. I urge all Citizens who have not voted yet to go out and do so. We protect our democracy by participating in it! I don’t care who you vote for just do so!

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