Analog Gaming: Arkham Horror and Survival Horror Games

Want to keep playing after the console’s turned off? Pull out the dice and tokens analog gaming lives on! This time I talk about Survival Horror video games their history and their analog equivalents.

Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark.  These names are instantly recognizable to gamers.  If you haven’t played the games or are not of fan of survival horror games you’re still aware of them and their meteoric rise to the top of the gaming charts (since to be replaced by the FPS).  But where did the idea of a survival horror come from and does it have parallels in the pen and paper, analog world of gaming?  The answer is of course that it does!

The survival horror genre of games takes a number of disparate elements and combines them to create a unique experience for the player.  The recipe looks something like this:  1 part horror movie, 3 parts adventure game, 2 part action game, 1 part RPG, and 4 parts paranoia and tension, mix, bake at 450 degrees. Viola!  Survival horror.  Resident Evil is usually pointed at as the first survival horror game, and the game created the label.  There were a numbers of video games released before Resident Evil that contained some, if not all, of the elements of the Survival Horror genre, the oldest being Infocom’s The Lurking Horror (1987). It was a text adventure game inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s writings and known for putting the player on the edge of their seat.

Sweet Home
Sweet Home

Capcom’s Sweet Home (1989) was a horror RPG while not the first graphical horror game (the Atari 2600 had a few but thy’re universally bad and fail to create the fear/tension that is the hallmark for the genre) is an early attempt at creating a game that recreates the fear and tension that horror movies aim at.  Sweet Home has been acknowledge as one of the prime influences on Resident Evil.

Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark

The other big influence was Infogrames’ Alone in the Dark (1992) series.  Alone in the Dark was a third person 3-d adventure game that put the player in the role of a man (or woman) trapped in a house consumed by evil, and while combat played a role in the game it was secondary to exploration and puzzle solving.

With Resident Evil, the genre was labeled and came into its own.   The franchise was wildly successful, despite its flaws (and there were many:  clunky slow controls, mixed visuals often too dark, inflated difficulty through item scarcity, restricted saves (damn those ink cartridges), an incoherent story line, etc.)  No, the reason Resident Evil worked was that it gave the same chills and bumps that shock horror films do.  It kept you on the edge of your seat, it created tension and paranoia, and people loved it.  They still do in a way, though the franchise has moved closer and closer to becoming a FPS.

Arkham Horror
Arkham Horror

Survival horror didn’t start on consoles though.  The horror genre is old, remarkably old, and just a little younger than story telling itself.  Our oldest written sources are full of ghosts and nightmarish creatures.  Modern horror’s roots can be found in the 18th century.  Gothic horror rose in the mid 18th century and was focused on “an appreciation of the joys of extreme emotion, the thrills of fearfulness and awe inherent in the sublime, and a quest for atmosphere.”   It was this genre that Lovecraft made his own in the early twentieth century, coupling extreme emotion with alienation and existential horror. It is in the world of table-top RPGs that we find the earliest instance of a game attempting to evoke horror, tension, and paranoia in the player.

The Call of Cthulhu RPG was first released in 1981 and was set in the 1920-30’s that Lovecraft set his own stories the plots that players play start out innocent enough but usually end with the player’s character going insane, if not being horribly maimed or killed by some monstrosity.  Some of the game’s more prominent themes were awe and terror of the unknown and the price such knowledge had on the human psyche

In 1987 Call of Cthuhu was adapted for a board game:  The Call of Cthulhu: the Board Game. The board game attempted to distill Lovecraft’s mythos and the themes of the RPG into a board game that could be played in an hour or so opposed to days.   Unlike acting (on the screen or role-playing) that can create an atmosphere of paranoia and tension through editing and surprise, the board game does so by slowly escalating the difficulty of the game and putting a random time limit on the players before some terror is unleashed upon the earth, an encounter the players rarely survive .  These two things created the tension, paranoia, and at times the fear that are so essential to the horror genre.

I really enjoy Arkham Horror but it certainly isn’t for everyone:

The game in all it's esoteric glory
The game in all it's esoteric glory

There are hundreds of cards and tokens and the rules aren’t intuitive.  Despite this I love the game and it is possible to pick up the game on your own with a couple of understanding friends around to help you figure it out.  I’m always trying to rope 3 or 4 friends together to play the game, those who aren’t intimidated by the board inevitably find they’re having a good time.  If you’re not into competitive games Arkham Horror is perfect as everyone has to cooperate in order to beat the game.   If you’re looking for a less complicated co-op horror game A Touch of Evil is good as well.  So next time your power goes out whilst playing Resident Evil 5, light some candles, and pull out Arkham Horror and play to keep the terrors coming!

Resources:  Fantasy Flight Games – the publishers of Arkham Horror and its expansions, Flying Frog Productions – the publishers of A Touch of Evil, Chaosium – The publishers of Call of Cthulhu, Let’s Play Already: Arkham Horror – An in-depth play through of the game with commentary, pictures, and rule explanation, I used this to help me play my first game

Squandering of America Part 1

Robert Kuttner’s new book is so dense with information that I couldn’t do it justice with a simple one paragraph review when I’m done with the book. Actually, I don’t know if I’ll ever finish the book, as at times it can be incredibly depressing how far our country has fallen. The most alarming issue that Kuttner raises is the control of big business in our politics, and how many of the problems behind the issue won’t even come up in debate, so fringe have the ideas of controlled and regulated markets come, despite how well they served our country in the post WW2 era. Why has this happened? Kuttner blames the successful marketing campaign of rich elites on Wall St. and in the Republican party to unload more and more on the american people while keeping more and more for themselves. I wish I could explain it as well as he does but you only have to read the first 100 pages for it become clear that at this point the average American worker is making less than s/he did 1o, 20, and 30 years ago, while her/his costs have continued to rise unchecked. Kuttner is optimistic though, that the changes aren’t permanent that it is only a matter of viewpoint and politics both of which can be changed, and that it is becoming clear to many that de-regulation was not the panacea  it has been touted to be by insiders, but that it will take a new politics and largely new politicians to do it, ones that aren’t in thrall to big business.

More to follow!

I miss my Grandfather…

…A man I never really knew. His name was Glen Howard, I can’t tell you when he was born and I can’t tell you if it was 1, 2, or 3 years since he passed away. All I knew about him I was told to me by my own father, whose moods were often fickle; reminiscing about grandpa was apt to put him in a black mood. Or I gleaned it from observation and the uncomfortable conversations he had with my father when we visited on holidays. Grandpa was born and raised in the Gila Valley in Arizona it is also where he died. He never forgave the Japanese. He was in the Navy. He married my grandma. He fathered 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls. He cheated on my grandma and married the other women. He owned a bar. He threw silver dollars off of the ship he was serving on in WWII, thinking he’d never see home again. He drove truck. He had eagles tattooed on his forearms. He collected ceramic figurines full of liquor. He was larger then life. He had diabetes. He had goats. He had 3 mongrel dogs. He hurt my father deeply. He died of cancer. He thought he’d die in the Pacific fighting the “Japs”.

This is all I know of a man whose blood runs in my veins. This is all I know the man whose life I dreamed of chronicling. But I could never find the courage to speak up or the words to say. I sat there unhinged and desperate to escape during holidays. Not wanting to feel the tension and anger, the resentment, and love, the hero worship and scapegoating all fermenting in that tiny old trailer. I was only a child begging for his father and grandfather to be the adults I wanted them to be. So that the air could clear and we could all finally breath. They never should have done that to me. We all ended up losers. My dad lost his father, my grandfather lost his son. I’m crying now thinking that they never got to know each other, perpetual strangers to each other constantly dancing through a lifetime of introductions. I don’t want this to happen to me and my dad. I want to know the man who has most influenced my life. I want to understand who he is.

I don’t want to do what he did with his father.

If only we learned from those who came before…

Wilfred Owen


Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.


Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime . . .
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.


If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.

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