A Quick Weekend Project

It's a Clothesline

With spring being here now and the sky being less overcast and more sunny. I figured it was the perfect time to put in a clothesline. I’ve been talking about putting in a clothesline since we moved into this place but had never gotten around to it… Until today.

I picked up some two eye screws at .38 cents each ($0.76), 20 feet of nylon for at .23 cents a foot ($4.60), and 36 clothes pins for $3.99.

The line hangs between the two outer posts of the trellis that is over the back patio. All I had two to was drill two holes, screw the eye-screws in, and then tie the rope between them. (Two-half hitches, if you were wondering… Thanks, Boy Scouts!) It took about five minutes to put up.

Total cost: $9.35. The cheapest clotheslines I saw for sale at the hardware store was $19.99, and that still required you to mount it.

Prepare for Combat! A Necron Fleet Approaches

These should be on a backdrop of stars but I suck at photoshop

Only last week I was bemoaning the fact that I had massively invested in a hobby that I seemed unable to participate in anymore. Turns out, making public my own deficiencies was exactly what I needed to get motivated and do something about it! I’ve put three of the unconstructed kits on Ebay, and have finished painting my Necron fleet for Battlefleet Gothic. That leaves me with only… Okay, still a lot going on there but it is a start.

Bad things "live" here

Serendipity played a role in me painting over the weekend. The same time my post last week went a friend of mine was setting up a painting party! I RSVPed and I spent four or five hours yesterday finishing up the Necron fleet, as well as painting my figurine for our D&D campaign. Now that it is complete I just need to carve out some time to make a gaming mat (black felt with white paint speckled across it) and find someone with another fleet to roll some dice against!

Some Dirges, a few Jackals, a dash of Scythes and Shrouds

The DiMortuiSunt Book Giveaway of 2011 Comes to an End

All the Books...
I could do this every week forever... And still have books left.

First, I want to announce the winners for week four of the DiMortuiSunt Book Giveaway: Rock!topus Prime, Shivam Bhatt, Lady, and Aleanil (names have been changed to protect the innocent). They’re books will be heading to them soon. I hope they enjoy them as much as I did.

Second, I want to congratulate everyone who participated in the giveaway and won something over the month of April, as well as thank everyone who commented. My views were up for the month though I haven’t sat down yet and looked through the logs to see if that was because of the book giveaway or I just happened to have particularly interesting postings. Regardless, I’m going to call the entire thing a success. Reader participation definitely increased and I had a lot of fun giving things away.

Keep a look out for future contests as well! I have all interesting stuff lying around to give away!

This is as Esoteric and Difficult as it Looks


My first time playing Twilight Imperium. Eight players with the expansion. I only have the slightest idea what I’m doing, the only thing I’m sure of is that I’m losing.

PS – I wrote this post from my phone!? I’m pretty sure we are living in the future…

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