Getting back to Thinking – Part 1 – Time

Help you find some time

Remember when you were a child? Well skip a few years ahead, I can’t remember much of my childhood at all. Remember when you were a teenager? Remember all the thoughts you had?  All the thoughts you thought, all the moral, ethical, philosophical quandaries you deliberated with yourself in your head? All of the things you solved. You solved a lot and you shared it with your friends, and together you solved a great deal more!  When you took your thoughts to another adult though, one older than you, they were disregarded. Superficially investigated and then thrown away… why?  When I was a teenager I didn’t know why and it seemed awfully unfair… then I graduated from high school, got into college, began working and guess what? I stopped having those thoughts, I stopped being torn by ethical dilemmas and philosophical debates with myself and I stopped sharing with my peers.

I think I know why and how that happened, I think I know why “grown-ups” and adults don’t listen to teens.  It isn’t because we know any better, or have valuable life lessons, or whatever bullshit you were given or are now giving out. No, its because I don’t, and most other adults don’t, think anymore!  We simply don’t have the time… we’re too busy working, or pursuing our careers, or work on ourselves, or trying to relax, you can insert whatever it is you do, or see your peers doing.  When was the last time you didn’t have to worry about anything and could just think…

Been quite awhile hasn’t it?

So how do you find these thoughts?  It comes down to time. As a youth, as a teenager you had a lot of time… Time to think thoughts, follow chains of them, reject hypothesis after hypothesis and then synthesize your results from dozens, hundreds, or thousands of little conversations in your head into a cogent (mostly) theory.  All that takes time though, and once you’ve left school, and left home, time becomes a commodity more valuable than gold. So valuable is it now that careerists – those stuck on the corporate or free-lance treadmill are trying to find a way to convert their money back into time! My guess though is that you have a lot of time, you just don’t realize how much of it gets wasted.

First you need to find time then. Where?

Like I said, you probably have mcuh more time than you think you do, you just don’t know how or where you’ve spent it. Here is where something I like to call a time budget comes in.  Just like a normal bugdet, which takes expenses, cash flow, debots and credits a time budget tracks where and how you spend your time.  Keep a time journal for a week, noting how long you spend doing any item, or nothing, after keeping meticulous track of how you spend your time analyze it.  Where are you spending more time than you’d like to?  Where are you wasting time?  How better can you manage it? Once you’ve found areas of improvement, act!  Stop spending so much time in front of a screen (TV, PC, or other).

Once you’ve found the time (and you will!) it’s time to start thinking about what helps you think most!  Which is what the next post on this topic will be about.

Helpful links for finding time:

Finding Time – Stepcase Lifehack

Reclaim your Time – Zen Habits

Finding Time – In Context

New Habits – Update 2

One of the things I that helps with accomplishing the goals you set out is telling people about them, as I stated in this post. That’s why I made a big public stink about it in the first place it’s also why I’m still talking about it too, in the hopes that one of you who reads this will mention it to me in person, to help keep me on the ball. Diana has been great in this regard, any time she sees my hands getting near my mouth she gives me a look and tells me to knock it off. It has been 20 days since I last bit them, I’m thinking the old habit of biting will be broken in another 15.

That leaves working out… Not much good news on that front, December is a terrible month to start exercising regularly. My work schedule starts doing funky things, funkier than usual that is. On top of that there is all sorts of traveling and such. I haven’t worked out at all. I’m thinking swimming is out too, with my schedule changing at work, and the job switch in March, I don’t think I can do it. So I’m canceling that. The complex I live in has a work-out room which I can use. I have a short term goal to organize a work out plan by the end of next week, which I then can implement. Diana is going to be a big help there too as she is also trying to start a work-out regime… I’ll keep you updated!

What else is in the queue? Oh, next after stop biting nails and exercising is meditation. I’m really excited about this one! Everything I’ve read on the subject says it’s life altering, paradigm shifting, and mind numbingly boring too! I can’t wait to find out for myself!

Also dozens of books and games in the queue… You saw the towers, you know! Oh, I also have 2 days to come up with something worth sharing with my writing group (sorry MOAP!)

Waxing Adventure!

So this is what happened today. I got up later than I was supposed to (I needed to be at the tire shop at 8:30 this morning, I showed up at 11:24). Thankfully the guys at Bernard’s are relaxed. I dropped my truck off and went for a walk downtown while they did whatever techno voodoo is necessary to make my tires work. My first stop was the Dairy Queen. I love Dairy Queen, I do. But, I have not had good luck with the one here in Davis. Every time I’ve been I’ve walked away sick and miserable. I was walking right by it though and I needed a lunch, it was a calculated risk. Thankfully, today, my stomach was up to the challenge or the staff at Dairy Queen have started washing their hands.

After the Dairy Queen I ended up in Bizarro World the local comic, gaming, hobby shop. I go into this store roughly once a month. I browse and small talk with the guy behind the counter and then I leave. I never, ever buy things from them. It doesn’t make sense to; I don’t read comics (I’m not going to sully this blog with talk of collecting them). If there is anything in there that I might want I can get it from work/or on-line for less. My visit today was an exception. I was glancing at the new comics and noticed Transformers comics. Not just any old Transformers comics, No, these were prequel comics to the movie! I had to have them! For the first time in… I’m going to make a conservative estimate and say 16 years I bought a comic book. I know, I’m shocked too, and a little scared. Have I read them yet? No. Will I read them? I have no idea?!

Shaken and disoriented from my purchase, I left Bizarro and made my way back to Bernard’s. My truck was waiting for me and after forking over 113 dollars (I considered it money well spent). I’m on my way. Stopped at UCD, and signed some paperwork, then had lunch with Diana (she ate. I talked (I’m very bad at eating…)). After lunch I wandered around some more, ending up at Diana’s place in front of my Xbox 360. For the next 3 hours nothing existed but Gears of War. After getting my fill of mindless violence I went home and did my laundry. Time passed. Some more time passed, I occupied myself by wandering around my neighborhood. Around dinner time (6 or 7). I sat down at the computer and read the news/checked email/wasted time.

Then I went to Plutos and picked Diana up a salad and myself some soup. I drove over to her place and we had dinner. We talked and chatted for awhile… Somehow we got on to the subject of my hairy torso and waxing. This is not the first time we’ve talked about it, we both had time and so I said “Let’s do it!” The following would be funnier if Steve Carell hadn’t done it first in 40 Year Old Virgin. Needless to say Carell accurately shows what it is like to have one’s chest waxed. Plus, the man must be braver and/or stupider than most as he has a hell of a lot more hair on his chest than I do! Diana was very understanding and sympathetic throughout, for which I am very grateful. I wasn’t man enough to get my entire torso done. I prefer the painlessness of shaving, I think.

Anyway, that was my day! Exciting, no?

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