It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! Give This to Help Japan!

The above animation can be yours as a program or screensaver for either Macs or Windows if you give absolutely anything to the Americares Foundation which is raising money right now to help those caught in the on-going disaster in Japan.

This is a really nice piece of pixel art and you can proudly show it off on your desktop and do something nice for those in need!

via Ted Martens’ Blog


10 things you can throw you’re money at (and won’t be wasting it).

So here it is my very first top 10 list, though I’m keeping out the pretentious “top”. Normally this is where I talk about why it’s important to give money to various things and how it helps you and helps everyone. I’m not going to do that though, because I believe in the intelligence of my readers (all 3 of you). So here are ten causes or people who won’t do something stupid with your money. If you don’t have money you can still get involved, many of them would love for you to volunteer or write some letters to your elected officials. So get off your fat ass and make a difference in the world already!

10 – The Ron Paul Campaign – This isn’t a charity, but I felt it was important enough to put here. So if you’re offended by political opinions please skip to the next. Why give to Ron Paul? Mostly because the man’s record speaks for itself. He’s the only pro-liberty man running for the office. Check out the site, if you’re interested in his take on the issues, give some money. Ron Paul is largely being ignored by the major media outlets, and it’s going to take money to get their attention. Oh and the man wants to end the “War on terror”, the “War on drugs”, and the Federal Income Tax!

9. Trickle Up – Donate money to those living off of less than one dollar a day, Trickle Up funds entrepreneurs in the third world to jump start their own businesses. Don’t want to give a hand out? Then help someone become financial independent by investing in their business plan. I’ve given to them.

8. Nature Conservancy – Is a large charity organization much like the world wildlife fund. The Conservancy uses multiple methods in their conservation efforts, from working with indigenous people to private land purchases. A great group, one I’ve given to in the past. I give every year.

7. World Wildlife Fund – Do I need to say anything about the most recognizable conservation charity in the world? They help protect endangered species and their habitat through education and legislation. You could do worse with that 3 dollars you found in your pants the other day.

6. FARM Africa – Buy a farm animal for a family in Africa. Your donations also go towards educating African farmers in sustainability and independence. So that in the future Africans won’t have to depend on the charity of other nations.

5. The Population Council – the PC focuses on reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS, understanding the dynamics of poverty culture, and educating dis-advantaged populations about improving sexual and reproductive health outcomes. If you don’t want to give to help stop AIDS, give because they’re working on lowering the global population, one which the Earth is ill prepared to support.

4. Reading is Fundamental – The oldest literacy charity in the United States. The RiF gets books and educational resources into the hands of the those who need it most. Literacy is the only way out of poverty. The love of reading and an education is a passport to any place you’d ever want to go. Help a child find the joy you have.

3. The Electronic Freedom Foundation – The EFF fights to keep our constitutional rights in this increasingly technology dependent world. The EFF fights not only to keep the internet a haven of free speech, but they’re also fighting to keep the govt. from wiretapping your cell phone. A great far sighted charity, I’ve written letters for them and called my congressional rep.

2. Child’s Play – Founded by the creators of Penny Arcade, Child’s Play is a charity that gives video games and toys to children’s hospitals in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and Egypt (?!). Started in 2003 they’ve already given over a million dollars in toys to hospitals. Their main drive is around the Christmas holiday but they accept donations year round. This is a great way to spend your charitable dollars, bringing a little joy to a ill child’s life. I give every year.

1. Your Charity – The best charity to give to is one that shares your beliefs and is fighting for them, whether that be the re-wilding of the United States or international equal rights for women. With the internet it is easier than ever to find those who share your views and to give them any type of support you can provide. Click the link, and google some causes. Do something now to change the world!

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