The Second Annual False(B)logic Book Giveaway Comes to and End

You’ll have to wait til next year’s giveaway to get your hands on more free books!
First, I want to thank all the people who spent a little bit of their time reading the blog over the last month! If I could afford to mail everyone a book I would but that is a little too rich from my blood! Second, thanks to those of you who entered and congratulations to all the winners. If you entered and didn’t win, I’m sorry about that and I hope’ll you will try again next year.

Second, a congratulations to the our last five winners: Andy, Austin, Pointzeroeight, Shivam, and Skoce! E-mails are on the way and as soon as I hear back from them their books will be going out as well.

Finally, False(B)logic is returning to its regularly scheduled posts of video games, books, gardening, and some my own private projects. I’m especially excited about Star**** **Oop**s, a poetry project. Please check it! As wells as subscribe to the RSS feed for the blog as well!

Thanks again!

STAR*** **OOP**S: A Surreal Space Poetry Project

Thanks to Teg for helping with the image!

I got this crazy idea for a poetry project. I was going to take one of the numerous books I have lying around and use it to create poetry! Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein wasn’t the only book lying around but I figured it’s be the most interesting book to try this with. How does it work? I use each page to write a poem striking out the words I don’t want to use, whatever is left is the poem. Each page is it’s own poem and the entire book is one really long weird poem. Starship Troopers is 263 pages long so I’ll have plenty of fodder! Here is the first installment:

Page One of Star**** **oop**s

I always had hypnotic brainwaves
trembling in the drop

like coconuts while they fell
wasn’t bad

The False(B)logic Second Annual Book Giveaway, Round Three

All these, and more, could be yours!
Congratulations to PointZeroEight and Adam for winning in the second round of the book giveaway! Books are on the way to you now! This week we’ll have three winners who’ll receive random books in their mailboxes! To enter comment on any blog post this week!

The DiMortuiSunt Book Giveaway of 2011 Comes to an End

All the Books...
I could do this every week forever... And still have books left.

First, I want to announce the winners for week four of the DiMortuiSunt Book Giveaway: Rock!topus Prime, Shivam Bhatt, Lady, and Aleanil (names have been changed to protect the innocent). They’re books will be heading to them soon. I hope they enjoy them as much as I did.

Second, I want to congratulate everyone who participated in the giveaway and won something over the month of April, as well as thank everyone who commented. My views were up for the month though I haven’t sat down yet and looked through the logs to see if that was because of the book giveaway or I just happened to have particularly interesting postings. Regardless, I’m going to call the entire thing a success. Reader participation definitely increased and I had a lot of fun giving things away.

Keep a look out for future contests as well! I have all interesting stuff lying around to give away!

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