Wiki Bar – Best Cocktail in Yolo County

Here we are with the inaugural review for the best cocktail in Yolo county! I haven’t been to Wiki Bar since before it was called that and I don’t know if I’ve ever ordered a cocktail from the little bar back behind Bernardo’s. All I really knew about the place is that it is the home of the ‘Wiki Waki Woo’ which is a cocktail aimed squarely at dumb college students looking to get wrecked very quickly. When I asked the bartender about the drink he called it ‘sweet garbage.’

Whiskey Sour at Wiki Bar, Davis – taken by Author 3/28/19

Here we are with the inaugural review for the best cocktail in Yolo county! I haven’t been to Wiki Bar since before it was called that and I don’t know if I’ve ever ordered a cocktail from the little bar back behind Bernardo’s. All I really knew about the place is that it is the home of the ‘Wiki Waki Woo’ which is a cocktail aimed squarely at dumb college students looking to get wrecked very quickly. When I asked the bartender about the drink he called it ‘sweet garbage.’

How were the rest of their drinks going to be? Actually, how is their Whiskey Sour going to be?

Wiki Bar – The Review

Taste (4/10) – Decent lemonade. There is a lot of ice in this drink. The bartender added more after they finished mixing.

Presentation (2/5) – Very pale. Whiskey Sours are supposed to have a straw gold color that can deepen into a bronze. This hardly had any color to it. the lemon slice was just thrown in

Balance (2/5) – Lots of sour lemon followed by the burn of alcohol. I ordered ‘well’ whiskey and that was probably a mistake.

Correctness (2/5) – This just wasn’t correct. The garnish is wrong, there is no egg white, the bartender didn’t even ask about egg.

Delivery (2/*) – Friendly, asked if I wanted ‘well’ whiskey. There wasn’t much conversation or eye contact. No flair. They did answer questions about the Wiki Waki Woo when I asked.

Total (12/25) – I kept my expectations low going in because I just didn’t know what I was getting in to. Turns out that was a good idea. Perfunctory. Also, if the ‘well’ whiskey is Well Made Whiskey, ask for something else.

I do want to say that their House Mai Tai was much more enjoyable and correct than their Whiskey Sour was. If you’re going to order a drink from here maybe stay on the menu?


Wiki Bar
The Project
The Criteria
The Bars

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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