Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 9


The day dawns on Garcon’s fourth day in Mordavia! I was hoping a certain thing would happen today (it usually happens on the morning of the 4th or 5th day and it helps progress the story along…) But it didn’t, so we’ll take advantage of the extra day to learn some things and set up another part of the storyline! Our first stop the general store:

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Old man:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

As a refresher we ask her again about her husband:

Quest for Glory

Interesting! Wasn’t the gatekeeper of the Castle west of town named Boris?

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Great! We get to play messanger for these two old bats… Next stop is Dr. Cranium’s who I am also expecting to mention something to us either today or tomorrow:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Alas, he doesn’t bring up the topic. Probably tomorrow. Perseii decides to share some of his adventures with the doctor:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Seeing Old Friends Again

Danar continues the discussion he was having with Dr. Cranium:

Quest for Glory

Life Force:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

After that Jackson goes to the Guild Hall and works out before going out into the wilds of Mordavia once again. His desitnation, the Leshy’s home:

Quest for Glory

Seepgood knows this one!

Quest for Glory

We go with Rusulka and for getting it correct we’re given a hint:

Quest for Glory

There are some bushes in the southeast part of the valley that look suspicious, and if you bother to cast detect magic will be highlighted. Garcon heads there now:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

With the bush gone Perseii explores this new area of Mordavia:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

This all looks very, very familiar… For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about I encourage you to read through my Let’s Play of Quest for Glory: So You Want to be a Hero to learn about Garcon’s first encounter with Bonehead and a certain ogre witch who lives in a hut with chicken legs.

Danar approaches the skull with the glowing gem:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Baba Yaga:

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Chatterbox Part Two

A few more things to talk about with Bonehead before we leave. First we finish the dialogue tree and ask Bonehead about his eye:

Quest for Glory

Next we talk about our memories of Spielburg and how much fun it was turning Baba Yaga into a frog:

Quest for Glory

Seepgood will be coming back here soon enough but for now he leaves. There’s one more place we haven’t visited yet. Olga the shopkeep has mentioned them a couple of times now, the Gypsies. They can be found in the far northeast of the valley:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

That’s a lot of dogs (wolves?) (werewolves?!)

Sadly, the sole human at the camp doesn’t seem too friendly:

Quest for Glory

What else can Garcon do now… Hrm… Well, there’s always the local yokels! Perseii heads back to town and waits for evening to come along:

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

“Are there any other type of strangers…?”

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

“I’m not quite sure I’m understanding you guys… Are you saying you DON’T like strangers?”

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Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

The New Stranger

This other guy sounds a lot like me. Sans the non-human and joking part…?

The locals continue:

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Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Okay, so there’s a Gnomish jester in town who tells bad jokes. Danar will look into that later. Back to the dialogue tree, Town:

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Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

How They are Doing:

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

(please note before this game is over we will be encountering all of those things… Yay!)

Quest for Glory

“That’s always a good indicator that there absolutely are vampires in Mordavia…”

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Join us next week when we learn all about the Gnome and his reasons for being in Mordavia and once again encounter the beautiful, mysterious lady we first saw outside the Dark One Cave!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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