Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 4

Bugging Out

A couple weeks back we left Garcon in the secret basement of the Adventurer’s Hall which doubles as the Thieves Guild. After some sluething, lockpicking, and safe cracking managed to open a secret wall and meet the Master thief here in Mordavia. Who happens to be a giant bug. I guess we should talk to him?

Quest for Glory

Ask about the castle:

Quest for Glory

The Thieves’ Guild:

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Other Thieves:

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Quest for Glory

Secret Passageways:

Quest for Glory

Disarming Traps:

Quest for Glory

Thief Jobs:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Monstrous Shape:

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How Can I Help:

Quest for Glory

Cause of Condition:

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Quest for Glory

Is it fun to be a Monster:

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Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Bugging Out 2

Perseii and the Giant thief bug continue their conversation.

Ask his name:

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Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Ask about Monastery:

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Dr. Cranium:

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Quest for Glory

Old Man:

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Sounds like we’ve found the one and only place in town we can hit up for cash!


Quest for Glory

And with that Jackson has tapped out the Chief Thief and so leaves the Thieves’ Guild and the Adventurers’ Hall and heads to the north-east section of town beyond the monastery:

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That old man folded over himself? That’s Nikolai, the guy the Chief mentioned. His house is the one one the right handside of this screen. The door on the right? That’s the entrace to Dr. Cranium’s lab:

Quest for Glory

Danar talks to the fellow:

Quest for Glory

What’s your name?

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Quest for Glory

This old bag was no help whatsoever! I can’t wait to burgle him blind!

Before we risk Dr. Cranium’s lab Garcon takes the small amount of money he’s found around town and heads to the general store to pick up a few items:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory
Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

We pick up eveything but the hand broom. Getting a minimum of ten trail rations. What’s a trail ration?

Quest for Glory

Mad Science

With his bag bluging with goods Seepgood heads back to the east part of town and takes a closer look at the entrance to Dr. Cranium’s lab since it’s the only other thing in this section of town:

Quest for Glory

To enter the lab you’ve got to do a little “Simon Says” game. I manage to complete the puzzle successfully and Garcon enters the lab:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Weird, I know. Perseii takes a closer look at the strange machine that is sitting in the entryway:

Quest for Glory

Next Danar checks out the door on the right:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Bouncing? Where have we heard bouncing before? It sounds awfully familiar…

I’m sure it’s safe. Let’s just open the door:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory
Quest for Glory

That’s right Antwerps! You might remember them from the first Quest for Glory where an Antwerp, a much larger one I might add, guarded a secret entrance into the Bandit’s hideout.

Quest for Glory

Yes, I suppose Seepgood should be grateful. What the hell are baby antwerps doing in that door? Seepgood checks the remaining two doors in the room but neither of them will open. With nothing else to try Garcon takes a closer look at the Transcendental Receiving Animal Processor:

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Quest for Glory


Okay, well I suppose Danar is supposed to catch an Antwerp? Let’s use the TRAP:

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Quest for Glory


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Quest for Glory

Also no

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The machine tries to tell Danar its a bad idea to want to trap an Antwerp. But he persists and learns that Antwerps are partial to avacados. Jackson baits the trap with one of his rations and before he knows it:

Quest for Glory

Yay! We have an antwerp! Now what do we do with it?

Find out next time!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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