Drop it Dirtbag! False(B)logic enters the World of Law Enforcement, Let’s Play Police Quest Part Seven

The Big Game

Det. Angland lets Sonny know he won’t be alone for this mission:


Yup, I’m sure you’ve all figured out who Frank is in this little drama… Back down at the bar we give Woody the password:

Once again Woody leads us to the back, room and frisks us, this time though he escorts us through the gaming room:

“This must be the big game!”

(the game also plays a dun-dun-duuuhnnn, right here in case you are as thick as a phone book…)

You got to admit that’s a pretty sweet street name…

Moar poker. Same as last time though you don’t have to win as much this time. Once we show these rubes how a real card shark save scums:

“yes, yes I am. I would love to join your criminal syndicate.”

“What?! Seriously, who recruits thugs in their gang based on their ability to play poker? That’s no way to build a criminal organization! No wonder you’re going to get… I mean yes, I am looking for work!”

“Like? I’d love to! Big handsome, strong man like you… I mean, Gosh, females are attractive!”

Moving on up, physically and metaphorically!

“Couldn’t we take the elevator? This isn’t ominous at all…”

This is it Sonny don’t choke!

That can’t be good news…

“I thought I might see your gun tonight but I never thought it’d be an actual gun!”

“But, how could he see through my disguise?! I DYED my hair!”

(FYI – The game is over as soon as I walked through the door… This is all the ending…)

Berserker Barrage!

Hey at least this part is true to life! Cops are terrible shots!

Barrage? Was “hail” already taken? Come on everything else about this game has been a cliche…

“We did it boys! Now it’s time to DANCE!”

(We already have higher than the perfect score! No way this case isn’t going our way!)

The End

There you have it folks! Police Quest! By the way anyone ever heard of that Helicopter Simulator game? I thought I knew all of Sierra’s titles but that one is new to me. Also, check out that high score! Funny enough that isn’t the highest it can be! Turns out I missed a point somewhere along the way. Probably reading something or other… Anyway, how do I know that Sonny Bonds is gay?

What’s a tittie?

Oh, Sonny…

Thanks for reading! See you next mission!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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