Drop it Dirtbag! False(B)logic enters the World of Law Enforcement, Let’s Play Police Quest Part Five


We meet back up with Peace Officer Sonny Bonds on his second patrol shift of the day:

He’s only been out a few minutes when:

After a short chase, seriously I remember as a kid gaving to chase this guy around half the city, he didn’t make it a full block…

When we radio the car in:

Bond’s gut is telling him something ain’t right about all this. He calls for backup:

*tinny 8-bit scary music begins playing*

Sonny gets out of his car, loads his gun, aims it and yells out to the driver:

Get out of car with hands up

lie down


How many times has Bond been here? Standing over a man lying on his stomach, waiting? Wait there’s something missing!

cuff man

Yeah, that’s just how Officer Bond likes it! Sonny searches the man only to find:

Well, that was anti-climatic

“Damn! That could have killed me!” (if you tell the man to just get out of his car he kills you, if you tell him to do it with hands up but your gun iisn’t drawn he kills you, if youre gun is drawn and you tell him to come out with his hands up but you didn’t load your gun? He kills you.)

“Uh-huh, you and my grandma both!”

Before Sonny leads the man to the back of his car and puts him in he reads him his rights:

Sonny reads them anyway and places the man in his backseat, before handing the gun over to his twin he looks it over:

That serial number is important for some reason, because I got points for looking at it! With the suspect secured he checks out his vehicle. First, the trunk:

Done, with the trunk Sonny moves to the interior, but notices something about the door:

“Didn’t Dooley say something about a black cadillac?”

The inside of the car is clean except for the glove compartment:

Book ’em Dan’o!

Inside the notebook we find:

Some sort of evil doers “todo” list

the licenses:

Sonny leaves everything where he found it so that it can be impounded with the car and returns to his car. Destination? Jail!

In no time Sonny reaches the jail:

(so polite, so professional!)

“got to make that quota!”

For a cop Sonny’s insults are remarkably tame, I had a fouler mouth in 3rd grade…

Anyway, Sonny puts his gun in the locker and escorts Hoffman into jail:


Moving on Up! Moving on Up!

Sonny hands over the booking slip, takes his cuffs, and leads Mr. Hoffman to his suite. On the way out:

So we head back to the LPD, after pickin our gun up from the locker. In Dooley’s office:


What does the memo say?

As you already know by now. Sonny can’t just change clothes he has to take a shower, so he does, changes, grabs his gear and heads to his new bosses’ office

*Gratuitous Shower Shot*

Over one office:

Listen up Newbie!

“As am I. Laura, have I ever yold you what a magnificent beard you would make?”

“What’d you say?”

“Um! Nothing please show me around!”

“Do you think I’m retarded Laura? I know what a clipboard is, a key board is pretty self explanatory and I’ve known how to use a filing cabinet since at least high school, at least!”

Anyway, Sonny now has to figure out a way to make sure Mr. Hoffman doesn’t get out on bail. He starts by checking out the news clippings on the clipboard:

“Don’t care.”

“Don’t care.”

“Don’t care.”

“Don’t care”

“This guy looks familiar!”

Sonny takes the FBI bulletin, grabs a car key, and heads over to the filing cabinet (thanks Laura for letting us know what it was!)

“Huh, both of these guys have the exact same height, weight, and tattoo. What a coincidence!”

Sonny grabs the file and heads out to the parking lot:

That sweet ride in the upper right corner? That’s the unmarked car Sonny will be using the rest of the game. He performs the safety walk around and heads to the courthouse (it’s across the street from the jail)

Tittie Twister

“I need to speak to Judge Palmer”

“What if I told you it was an emergency? Cause it is!” *flash badge and wave gun wildly around*

“That’s what I thought…”

“For Marvin Hoffman your Honor.”

“If it please your Honor please take a look at Hoffman’s arrest record and this FBI most wanted bulletin.”

“A little dense are we Judge? Um, I mean the tattoos on “both” men your Honor!”

It appears everyone in this courthouse has the sense of humor of a ten year old…

With the warrant in hand Sonny rushes across the street!

Is this a Bust or a Sting? I need to know for my diary… A Stake out? Okay!

Sonny hands the jailer the Judge’s warrant:

And that is why kids you don’t get tattoos!

Ensured that Mr. Hoffman will be enjoying the amenities at Lytton Jail Sonny returns to the Police Department:

Sonny and Laura drive to the west side of Lytton and the park on the way they discuss fashion, interior design and other cliches that define both women and homosexual men

As Sonny gets out:

“This must be the place, but I can’t just stand out here in the open. I better find myself a hiding spot!”

Using his inner three year old Sonny finds the perfect spot to wait for the drug deal:

You’re so clever Sonny!

Now he, and we, must wait for the deal to go down! Until next time!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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