Drop it Dirtbag! False(B)logic enters the World of Law Enforcement, Let’s Play Police Quest Part Three

Coming to the Aid of all Waitresses, Everywhere

Peace Officer Sonny Bonds had just disappointed a Heterosexual Female when he gets another call:

The plague of every dashing attractive homosexual cop, women can’t get enough of them. What a heartbreaker!

Sonny heads back to Carol’s

Where he finds the problem:

Sonny heads inside to talk to Carol:

(a little more of the resentment Jim Walls channelled into his video game)

On the way over to Wino Willy’s:

“Did I do that?”

As soon as Sonny walks into the bar:

Sonny approaches the bar and the presumed leader of this motorcycle gang:

move bikes

ask nicely

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!

Okay, next time we’ll just be a dick to these assholes:

use nightstick

We all know who has the bigger “stick” here, don’t we boys? You may now retreat in shame… so much shame…

Once all the ruffians are gone:

ask drugs

Being the nice guy he is, Sonny drops some info on Sweets:

Outside, Sonny notes that the gang has left:

GADD (Gays Against Drunk Driving)

And it’s back to patrolling for Officer Bonds… When he spots in the suburbs:

Sonny hits the sirens and eventually (I died so many times running after this guy, driving with the arrow keys isn’t always easy) pulls the car over:

Sonny gets out of his car and approaches the perp:

Sonny asks him to get out of the car:

look man

give field test

cuff man

“Hell no! Do I look like I just got off the turnip truck”

If we had cuffed him with his hands in front that last screen is where the drunk would slam his fists into the back of Sonny’s head, ending the game.

Once we’ve got the drunk into our patrol car we head for Lytton City Jail (which is on D2, I think. Check the map readers!)

Behind Bars

Sonny goes to the door, opens a locker, and deposits his pistol inside before buzzing into the jail:

“Nice digs.”

book man

drunk driving

As we’re leaving the Jail:

I dream of NARC

Laura has good news for Sonny:

The Jailor though shakes Sonny from his dreams of wearing pleated khakis and polo shirts to work:

(Dooley is the squad or shift sergeant. He’s the guy who gave us our orders at the morning meeting)

He also might be hot for Sonny… Double secret forbidden love! Sonny grabs his gun on his way to the Police Station:

(Ohhhh! It was D3! So close… the Police station is just north of this on C3)

before he can exit his car Sonny has to put back his nightstick back somewhere in the patrol vehicle and then he heads in:

write memo

put memo in basket

With dreams of “dressing casual” dancing in his mind Sonny goes to see what Dooley wants… a promotion? A clandestine rendezvous? performance review?

Find out next time!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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