In Deepest, Darkest Fricana: Let’s Play QfG3, Part 4

Goofing off for a Day

We left Garcon last time in the inn about to end his first day in Tarna after chasing a petty thief, meeting the local leadership, and then going on one hell of a shopping spree. Now, it’s time for bed:

That chest against the wall can be used to store stuff we don’t need right now, I don’t think I’ve ever used it in any of my playthroughs…

We watch a tiny animation of the moon rising in the sky and then Day 2 begins:

I get the feeling the writers of this game had never had any experience with African food and so the “tasty but strange” is kind of a cop-out, especially when you remember how detailed the descriptions of food were in the first two games. We don’t have anything to do today and Rakeesh doesn’t drag us out to the Simbani village ’til tomorrow so Perseii will be goofing off in the savanna today:

Jackson heads towards the rock formation in the southern half of the map, where he finds:

Jackson takes a closer look at the flying beasts:

There are a number of ways to get this fruit. Garcon could just go in chopping, he could use his magic grapnel and rope, or he can use magic. Magic seems like the easiest way:

I think the hippie wanted one of these fruits?

Wanderin’ with Purpose!

Still plenty of time in the day, so let’s go a wanderin’

Well, crap! Guess our free day is over back to Tarna

Prepare for boring narrative, insufferably honorable people, and being talked down to!

Damn these liontaurs do nothing but TALK

“Sure, why not?

“Oh, yay! This guy again…”

“Are you doing that thing where you ask me a question and then when I try to answer it you tell me to shut up, again? Cause I love playing that game!”

Can we just leave now?

“Ahahaha, you did it again! You giant furball, you!”

“Hug it out, you guys! Hug it out!”

“Why do I keep doing this to myself?”

Are you guys going to kiss and make up now? Cuz if you are I’m out of here. I’m no furry.”

Finally we leave!

“You are! You don’t have to ask me to leave!”

I bet you think all the narrative and talking down to is done, don’t you? Wrong! We get to watch Rakeesh tell us how useless being a thief is in this game! Also how great being a Paladin is! feel free to take a nap for this part!

Eventually, we make it into the next section of Fricana:

“Wait a second. Are you afraid of the dark Rakeesh? We’d have been there already if you and your liontaur friends didn’t waste so much time talking about your honor and how to filthy humans are!”

Are we there yet?

“Finally! We’re here!”

“Geez, you people speak a lot of gibber jabber!”

Now that we’re here you might think we can start playing the game and having fun, right? Wrong! More narrative! Yay!

Simbani Village

“You know Uhura I think you looked better in 16-colors…”

“They’re different from us! And they say ‘hi’ instead of ‘hello.’ Is that not reason enough to kill them all?”

I might prefer the demons to all the terrible people living here now…

“I doubt that! I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to drag all of you, kicking and screaming, into the late 19th century… And be grateful I got you that far.”

Oh, it’s a Macguffin

Garcon asks Uhura about the magic spear (weird that these people hate magic but revere a magical spear, hypocrites…)

Her son:

The Laibon:


We then ask Rakeesh about the spear:

Unable to handle any more info dumps, Garcon says goodbye:

“Good, cause you, and everyone I’ve met here so far, is cramping my style…”

Perseii just can’t get away from the endless stream of words! He hopes sleep will shut the liontaur up:

I swear next update, something will happen!

Can you see why this is not my favorite game in the series?

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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