In Deepest, Darkest Fricana: Let’s Play QFG3, Part 3

It’s like a thieves guild… BUT NOT

After picking up some beads, Garcon makes his way over to the rope merchant

Perseii bargains for some rope, he needs something to attach to his magic grapnels. After haggling for a while he and the merchant come to a suitable arrangement, Jackson buys the rope and attaches it to the grapnel:

There’s more we can learn from this merchant, though:

Seeing as this is nearly the extant of thief specific content in the game we pony up for the training:

Continuing further into the open market we find:

Oh, look a katta! Didn’t we have something to give a katta?

Stupid Dogs…

We do!

Seeing as Garcon is such good friends with his relatives he decides to buy one of the Katta’s doodads:

“Well, thanks I guess!”

Moving further into the market we find a dogman:

“Okay, how much you selling it for?”

“How about instead I buy it from you for a single cent?”

“Really?! Well then time to stock up!”

“Welp, looks like I won’t have to worry about provisions for the rest of my time here… Sorry about you not being able to clothe your kids though, huh? Tough break dogman!”

Next up is the cloth merchant, from whom we buy a robe:


The last thing we do in the market is give the drummer some change:

And then it is back to the mid tier of the city and the Apothecary’s shop:

We talk for awhile…

about pills:

mana pills:

healing pills:

The ingredients he needs to make healing pills:

The honey bird:

antivenom pills:


Dispel potions:

Hippies and their drug induced dreams

Perseii continues pumping the hippie for information,

on plants:

His dreams (this is getting weird):



Thinking about it Jackson has the sinking feeling that he knows just who this patchouli stinking hippie has been dreaming of, Julanar:

That’s about all Garcon can do with the Apothecary for now… And there’s only two places he hasn’t been yet in Tarna: the hotel and the very top of the city pyramid. Welp, time to rectify the latter:


“But, I just wanted t…”

“to ask why you’re such a bitch… Geez, if your the head priest I can’t image the Goddess is worth knowing about”

Sekhmet Speaks

“Well, seeing as your people all seem to be stuck up dicks, I can’t really see the bad in that”

“Wait, can’t you just judge me without it? Aren’t you a god?”

Down from the pyramid entrance Jackson finds the entrance to the city and beyond it the jungle:

Exploring the wilderness in Wages of War isn’t that fun at all. It’s just this map screen some areas of which will drop you into small areas to explore as normal but the rest is just empty and you’ll have random encounters on it. Seeing as we only have a day here before we have to accompany Rakeesh to the Simbani village I don’t do much exploring and I didn’t even get a random encounter

Back in the city Garcon heads for the inn:

The Not Jobs Board

There’s no Adventurer’s Guild in Tarna, which doesn’t make any sense at all, so all the jobs are posted here in the inn:

“I hope there are some jobs on this job board instead of just advertisments…”

“So it isn’t a jobs board… Well, okay I guess…”

With nothing else to do Perseii sits down to eat some food:

After eating Jackson checks his clock:

Looks like bedtime. Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting than today was.

Next time, the Simbani Village and the Jungle!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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