In Deepest, Darkest Fricana: Let’s Play QFG3, Part 2

Tarna-HO!!!! (It’s a Thundercats joke, get it?)

Sorry for being late… “Life gets in the blah, blah, blah” Just play the damn game already… Okay, I’ll do just that then and dive in… I ended last time with our hero, Garcon, popping into Tarna in Fricana. There is something about a war and leapardmen, but who knows? What does Garcon care? He just wants to steal shit, right? Before he does that though he has to talk to everyone.

Starting with Rakeesh:

Oh, yeah that’s the new chat screen. No longer do you have to figure out what is or isn’t important in a character’s response to you. Now, you just click on a series of nested conversations until you’ve heard everything the character has to say.






Council of Judgement?

Rakeesh is totes trying to get into Kreesha’s “pants,” fur, whatever (gross!)

Next Perseii interrogates Kreesha:



“These Liontaurs sound like racists pricks… I mean, not you two! you two are great!”

The Questions Never End


Magic Portal?

Magic ritual?


“Uh, huh, sure he is…”


That is about all the info these two have as Jackson leaves Kreesha let’s him know she’s reserved a room for him at the local inn. That’s one less thing we have to worry about (or pay for!) Rakeesh also tells us we’ll be leaving in two days for the Simbani village and to come to him anytime if we have any questions

*boom chicka chicka bow wow*

Tarna appears to be less a city and more a giant ziggurat ()

Across from Kreesha’s is the Apothecary (we’ll check it out later) and south from it is the Inn we’re staying at. Going further up the ziggurat:

We find the Hall of Judgement and the King’s quarters and at the very pinnacle the temple to these liontaur’s idolatrous goddess, Sekhmet. Garcon questions the gaurd a little but all he does is tell us where these doors go to. So, we head down from the upper and middle plateaus of the city to mingle with hoi polloi down at the bottom:

Oh look it’s some sort of open air market, a bazaar or something. The first thing Perseii notices is:

And the is all of the Adventurer’s Guild we’re going to see in this game, folks! I know, I know, it is terrible. As you walk around in the market the seller’s randomly yell/plead/beg you to look at and buy their wares. Before that though we needs moneys. Well, to exchange our moneys at least. The Moneychanger is north of here:

The Hall of Judgement

“That scoundrel! Quick we must away before he absconds with that fellow’s goods” (thus ends the portion of this LP where I pretend to know how 19th century gentlemen spoke. )

Jackson pursues the thief, but before he can catch him one of those lion guys does it:

Looks like the thief got off pretty easy. After the council has finished with him they call Garcon up:

Okay, so off we go to the King’s chambers:

There’s a correct way to interact with the King and an incorrect way. I think as long as you are polite and then defend your friend you will be fine. I’m not quite sure though or if there is any penalty for being a dick to the King. I think the correct order is: Great, Answer, Defend, Talk about Rakeesh, Goodbye.

Royal Treatment

“First, I’ll start by not sitting on my fat lion ass doing nothing… also why does one of your lioness wenches look like she has a snake’s body? I mean…”

You defend your friend and then after that the King dismisses you from his presence while he talks to his brother in private. I’m guessing its not going to be as enjoyable for Rakeesh as his reunion with Kreesha was (or will it be?! You pervert!)


Now that we’ve been introduced to the Aristoi it’s back to the Polloi (you’re learning Greek too!) Now to find that Moneychanger:

Okay, now let’s shop ‘til we drop!

We buy some fruit:

Above you see the Purchasing screen. Notice that button labelled ‘Bargain?’ We’re going to be using it a lot!

This goes back and forth until an agreed upon price is met. I think I got the fruit for 46 commons. Next we go to the Leather merchant across the way and pick up some hides:

then to the weaponsmith:


We bargain for a fine spear, fine dagger, and 5 throwing daggers. Then we buy some oil from this disreputable looking fellow:

Then we meet Sanford and Son:

We want both of those items so we bargain them from the family establishment:

Then it’s some honey:

and some beads:

Next week, or sometime around there we’ll finish shopping, go out into the wilderness and begin our quest for peace proper!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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