Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire – The End

Palace Infiltration

If you recall the servant of the young daughter of the Emir of Rasier who we helped saved said she’d tie a ribbon on the balcony showing Garcon where the harem is. For some reason she seemed to think Perseii would be safe there… We’ll that was the ribbon and so Garçon goes right:

(click to watch)

These have got to be the worst Eunuchs ever! Jackson’s got to get through the room though and through that hall to the north if he is going to have a chance at defeating Ad-Avis. First, we sneak and then hid behind the fountain

Nawar will keep the one eunuch distracted, we still have to deal with the guy patrolling the northern end of the room, as soon as he turns around and heads back out of the room Garçon shimmies over to the table:

Ah, this djinni comes in handy! Warned me right as the Eunuch showed up, once he is gone:

Perseii has got to get across and unlike one of his namesake’s he doesn’t have access to a flying horse! He does have a magic rope though!

Oh, we’ve done this lots of times, should be easy!

The World is Destroyed

“oh man! What a terrible vision of what will happen if I fail! best climb this rope now!”

“I wonder…?”

throw dagger

“He doesn’t look happy…”

At this point Jackson has to throw daggers at Avis until he dies while ducking to avoid the firebolts the evil wizard will be throwing at him. Thankfully the djinni tells us when to duck. Also, this isn’t a good angle to throw from we’ll have to maneuver over to the next pillar, too!

Creeping to Victory

throw dagger

“Take that you ugly bastard!”

“um, no! I have more daggers!”

“AHAHahahaha! Did you see the look on his face as he plummetted to the ground? Priceless!”

“What do you mean ‘we?’ I was the one doing all the work.”

The End

Garçon breathes a sigh of relief. It’s over he saved the twin cities of Shapier and Rasier! He briefly wonders how that Katta revolt is going? He’s about to go back inside the palace, when:

That doesn’t sound anything like the prophecy everyone else was quoting!? Don’t these people write anything down?

(click to watch)

That is it! Thanks for watching/reading! Now that GOG.com has these games for sale you should all go buy them and have your own adventures!

But, don’t stop reading these Let’s Plays either. Do both!

Sometime before the end of the month, Wages of War!

(Don’t listen to what the end of QfG2 said! What does the game know about its sequels?!)

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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