Let’s Play Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Part Thirteen

Showing Monsters Who’s Boss

Later that night while gr.. I mean practicing on his skills Garcoon takes on a pack of Jackalmen:

For the first time in the game he finally has enough magic,stamina, and health to kill them all:

He also harvests a few ghoul claws that night:

After thinning out the wildlife population Perseii returns to Shapier and his bed. The next morning:

That doesn’t sound good! But, it doesn’t sound that difficult either because Jackson has been whooping elementals all week! He heads to the Fountain Plaza:


Descriptive! Garcon will put this tart in her place, but first:

(fattening his wallet is always the highest priority)

Okay! Not let’s get that watery minx!

Watery Tart

Uh-oh, looks like Jackson got a little too close! Let’s try that again:

put waterskin on ground

use wind elemental

“I’ll never be thirsty again!”

With the elemental taken care of, and nothing else scheduled for the day Perseii decides to walk the streets of Shapier at random (and to pick some locks) when he camee to the Palace Plaza:

(I’m pretty sure that last detail is one we should remember!)

Last Days in Shapier

That evening Shameen has some news for Garcon:

“She totally wants me…”

After supper he goes to bed.

He knows Aziza is dying to see him but before that he does a little practicing… Jackson will have to be ready for anything! After fighting Uhura, casting magic at rocks in the desert, sneaking around the city, and other assorted tasks he heads for Aziza’s

With the one thing he had to do out of the way. Garcon returns to grinding and sleeping, the next morning, our last in Shapier:

Perseii hits the town and the Katta come out in force to thank him for what he has done and what the hope he will do:

Fond Farewells

I’m pretty sure this is where we’d become a Paladin if we had bothered with it… Or maybe Rakeesh would just let us borrow his sword. I don’t rightly recall…

Anyway, Rakeesh wants to fight us and Garcon is itching to stab the liontaur some:

Back at the inn:

Are you getting all the subtle hints that we’ll be leaving soon?

(click the pic above to watch!)

Next weekend we explore the terrible city of Rasier!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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