How My Garden Grows: Summer 2011

To be honest it's kind of out of control

Despite the unusually moderate weather summer is in full swing and as you can see from the picture above so is the garden! The wall of greenery you see in the background are my cucumbers scaling the 6 foot yard fence. Everything is beginning to produce with the zucchinis and tomatoes being harvested daily. D and I are looking into canning and pickling recipes to handle all of them.

A zucchini blossom
Eggplant blossoms

Eggplants are the only thing we haven’t harvested yet. The poor plants have had to fight with giant tomato plants on one side and aggressive beans on the other and haven’t done as well as I’d hoped.

Eggplants are starting to show up, though

Despite how aggressively the beans are growing they aren’t producing very meany beans though. Only a handful every other day or so. Not enough to do anything with but throw in salads or eat as a snack.

These blooms better be beans soon
Cucumbers and beans climbing up the trellis
A tiny cucumber and blossom
Fried green tomatoes, anyone?
This was the complete haul for last Saturday

The harvest for last Saturday was 11 tomatoes, seven bean pods, two zucchinis, and a cucumber. The cucumber, tomatoes, and zucchinis we all be going into a bread salad that I’ll be enjoying tonight!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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