Why Today’s Post Isn’t


The last two days I’ve typed just over 16,000 words… None of which my own, in the sense that I wasn’t writing my own thoughts or works, but rather for work. The two days before that I probably wrote another 10,000 plus. If this was NaNoWriMo I’d be half way done?! For my office, this is one of the two busy times of the year, after the Appropriations committee has held their suspense hearing and lots of bills get moved to the floor. All those bills need to have an analysis done for them and that is my office’s job. This was compounded this year by the fact that I was given new policy committees, so I’ve had to learn a lot in the past six months.

So, no post today. Just these pictures of my work area covered in Fact sheets, bills, checklists, drafts, and letters of support or opposition from interested parties. Enjoy…?

My recycle bin full of drafts and bills
These are bill information packets I haven't processed yet
My couch covered in amendments and drafts that need to be revised

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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