So This is a Smartphone?

old, broken shiny

Here in California it is finally spring; and, since it is I dusted off the bicycle and took a quick 36 mile ride to next town over. It was a lovely ride and I’m really excited about cycling this year through summer and into fall. As you can tell by the picture at the top though, this isn’t a post about cycling.

The ride was good but uneventful. All the way until the end when while stopped at a stop sign in town. I leaned the wrong way with my foot clipped in and fell, SMACK, right onto the curb and right onto my phone. That is what you see up top there. That old LG Shine (I think that’s what it was) wasn’t a very fancy phone. It couldn’t do the Twitters, or the Facebooks, or the Foursquares. It could accept phone calls and send texts and that is really all I needed it to do. With the cracks on the screen it can’t even do those simple tasks.

So, I ended up getting a new phone:

new, complicated shiny

That is a HTC Inspire 4G, and Android phone. It is apparently capable of many, many things. I’m not really quite sure how it all works, it didn’t come with a manual. I can find tutorials for it on-line though! So that is nice. The Inspire does do the Twitter, and the Facebook, and the Foursquare, and a lot of other stuff too, I think.

Like, I said it I’m not quite sure how it all works. I’ll figure it out, I hope.

Don’t forget that I’m giving a book away this week! You can find all the details here.

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

4 thoughts on “So This is a Smartphone?”

  1. Look up Snesoid in the market. Might not be a good investment if that version doesn’t have a physical keyboard though.

    Still worth a look.

  2. Pingback: I Guess I Don’t Need a Computer Anymore « Di Mortui Sunt

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