I made some resolutions last year. I was sure I even talked about them on DMS. Looking through the archives I can’t seem to find them. It was a short list, no more than ten items in all. I only managed to complete a third of the items though. The remaining will roll-over into next year. I suppose for most people this would be considered a failure. They created a list of things to accomplish and at the end of the year if there are still items on the list they failed.
I don’t see it that way at all.
As good as crossing an item off my list felt. The whole point of the list was to raise my awareness as to what I wanted to focus my time and efforts on throughout the year. So, while I didn’t participate in NaNoWriMo or write a 50,000 word book on my own. I have spent more time writing this year than in the past five. I didn’t participate in a triathlon this year but I’ve got a exercise routine down and I haven’t been in this good of shape since I left High School.
So, what am I going to focus on in 2011? I’ve got some ideas. Again, I don’t see myself signing the Compact, if I did I don’t think I’d be able to succeed at it for more than a month or so. But, having a written, public record of the fact that this is something I care about will help me spend the extra time to consciously think about my purchases.
Changing behavior starts with changing how we think and New Year Resolutions seems like the perfect vehicle for changing thought.
I’ll post my resolutions once they’re finalized. I look forward the critique.