Garden meet Dog

I’ve been gone for a while…  Real life has a way of making demands on one’s spare time and during the last month I haven’t had much time for anything, even my own life.  August is over though and not only do I have time to catch my breath but to update this blog too!  Lucky you!

So what has happened over the last month or so?  Not much personally, because I haven’t had time to do anything.  I did experiment with letting our dog Jake stay out in the backyard while I was at work.  Jake usually stays in his kennel during the day but I wanted to see if we could trust him out in the yard…  turns out we can’t!  I kept him out for three days for around eight hours a day and the first two he was an angel.  That third day, not so much.  It seems Jake got bored with lying around in the yard and chewing on his toys and moved on to exploring the garden…

See those large gaps in the greenery?  That is where a zucchini, cucumber, and pepper plant used to be…  Jake also ate several tomatoes and eggplants as well.

Luckily, Jake didn’t get his mouth on everything in the garden.  I still have plenty of heirloom tomatoes and some good-looking basil.  If the weather stays mild I believe we can get another dozen or two tomatoes out of the summer garden before it has to be torn out and the winter garden put in.

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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